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Hear ye, hear ye… I’ve got some exciting news for ya.

Starting in January, me and my biz partner (Stefan Georgi) are going to be running an 8-week copywriting mentorship for people who are brand new to copywriting.

So if you’ve been interested in writing copy…

But you haven’t taken the plunge yet…

This is for you.

During the 8-week program, Stefan, myself and our four copy coaches will take you by the hand and help you develop the skills needed to become a highly-paid copywriter.

So we’ll teach you how to write ads…

And emails…

And even a full-blown sales page…

PLUS (and this is the best part)…

You’ll also get feedback on your copy each week from one of the A-list copywriting coaches that we have helping us. 

So not only will you be learning about copy each week…

But you’ll be getting real feedback on your writing from someone who’s making 6-figures a year as a copywriter.

Which I think will be a game-changer for you.

I’ve always said that the two keys to getting good at copy are…

1. Writing regularly

2. Getting feedback on what you’re writing

And that’s exactly what you’ll get in this 8-week mentorship.

This program is designed to take you from knowing NOTHING about copywriting…

To having the ability to write ads, emails and sales pages within 8 weeks. 

So if that appeals to you…

And you’re serious about becoming a highly-paid copywriter in 2022…

Then this program will be right up your alley. 

Now, I will warn you though…

This type of mentorship isn’t cheap.  

Stefan and I charge $17,400 per year to be in our Copy Accelerator LITE program…

And at that price, it’s well worth it for the 260+ members we have. 

However, since this 8-week mentorship is for newer copywriters, we wanted to make it a little more affordable. 

So you won’t pay $17,500 like our Copy Accelerator LITE members pay…

In fact you won’t even pay a tenth of that…

If you’re lucky enough to snag one of the spots in the 8-week mentorship…

You can work with us for just $497.

Which is a hell of a deal if you ask me…

Cause you’re getting real feedback on your copy…

And you’re getting to learn from some of the best, A-list copywriters in the world…

So that’s the deal…

As I said this program is by application only…

You can’t simply join.

You need to apply to be in the group.

And if we think you’re a good fit, then you’ll get one of the spots.

Currently we are planning to cap the group between 150-200 people.

Which will probably fill up before the end of this week…

So if you’re interested in being a part of this group starting in January…

And you’re ready to make 2022 the year you become a highly-paid copywriter…

Then I suggest you put some real effort into filling out the application here.

Most of the info you’ll need is on that application page…

There’s also a syllabus on there showing you everything we’ll cover during the 8 weeks.

I know this program was a game-changer for a lot of people who took part when Stefan ran it earlier this year…

So I’m excited to work with you if you get a spot.

Simply fill out the application at the link below…

And if you have any questions for me about the mentorship, just respond to this email and let me know…

-> Apply to be a part of the 8-week copywriting mentorship

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.