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One of the recurring themes when I’m helping people make decisions in our Copy Accelerator group usually boils down to me asking them…

What is it that YOU want?

For example…

Let’s say you’re a copywriter, and you’re making 6-figures.

So you’re doing well…

But you want more.

You want to make more money.

You want more time to spend with your family.

Maybe you want to upgrade to a nicer house.

Whatever it is, it’s important to be clear on what it is that YOU want.

Not what others want…

Not what you see your friends doing…

But what YOU want.

This is something that most people give very little thought to.

And they wind-up in a situation where they’re “successful” but they’re doing something they don’t enjoy.

So let’s break this down…

If you’re the type of person that doesn’t like interacting with people…

And helping people get past their fears and doubts…

Then running a coaching program like Copy Accelerator is probably not the right fit for you.

Cause that’s a big chunk of what Stefan and I do.

We teach marketing…

But we’re also part-time therapists.

Which is what a good coach does.

But if we didn’t enjoy that part of coaching, the whole program wouldn’t be a good fit for us.

Let’s look at another example…

If you’re a freelancer,  but you hate having your monthly income be inconsistent, then maybe you should look at a different setup.

Cause inconsistent income is pretty common as a freelancer.

One month you’ll make $6k and the next you make $12k. 

If you don’t like this, and it causes a bunch of anxiety for you, then maybe you’d be better off with a stable retainer client that pays you $8k per month.

For some people this would be a great fit…

For others, they would hate it.

Cause they really like the thrill of having big months.

So again, it all comes down to what YOU want.

And what YOUR preferences are…

This is something I think about with nearly every decision I make.

Is this going to help me get the life I want?  Or is this going to cause me a bunch of added stress and friction?

And here’s the thing…

90% of people don’t think like this.

They just want to be successful.

And they don’t consider whether or not the path they’re choosing is a path they actually want to do for the next 5 years.

So again…

It all boils down to knowing what YOU want.

And constantly asking yourself if what you’re trying to do is gonna help you get the life you want.

This is a very simple concept.

And it’d easy to dismiss it.

But in my experience it’s one that can change the course of your business (and your life).

So give it some thought.

Here’s to a good 2021…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.