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If you look at programs and courses that sell really well they all have one thing in common…


For example…

In the world of strength training, Mark Rippetoe’s program Starting Strength is the go-to program for new lifters wanting to get strong.


Because it’s simple.

And it works.

You workout 3 days a week. 

You squat, bench, shoulder press and deadlift.

And you do 3 sets of 5 for all these exercises.

That’s it.

It’s simple.

And it works.

In the world of investing, J.L. Collins wrote a book called “The Simple Path To Wealth” that is beloved by investors.

His recommendation for getting wealthy?

Put your money in two index funds at Vanguard.

One is the total stock market fund.

The other is the total bond fund.

Put your money in there, add more money to it regularly, and don’t touch it until you need to retire.

That’s it.

Again, simple.

My coach/therapist, Brent Charleton, has taken the complicated world of therapy and boiled everything down into 4 issues.

He calls it the “core issues matrix”.

Basically any problem you have fits into one of these 4 core issues.

Worth, Safety, Perfection, Needs.

He told me this matrix used to be much more complicated.  And back in the day it had like 9 issues.

But once he simplified it, his clients got better results.

Again, it’s all about being simple.

When Stefan and I look at offers in our Copy Accelerator group we do the same thing.

For example…

If you want your offer to convert on cold traffic, you have to get the “Core 4” right. 

Which is…

1. a highly appealing offer

2. a killer lead on your sales page

3. a big idea for your sales page

4. maximum AOV from your first upsell

That’s the “Core 4”.

And it’s what we focus on teaching over and over again in the group.


Because that’s what works.

And it’s simple.

And that’s the big thing I want you to take away from this email.

The best-selling offers are always simple.

They boil down complicated crap into the 3-4 things that really matter.

That’s the key.

People want simple.

And simple gets results.

So next time you’re coming up with a product, or a  new offer, ask yourself this question…

How can I make this as simple as possible?

That’s a million dollar question.

Cause simplicty sells.

Keep that in mind.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.