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A question came in on my Instagram yesterday asking…

“what’s one common thing you see in your copywriting students that are successful?”

This is a great question.

I actually thought about the answer for over an hour.

Cause the students that get the best results, have a lot in common.  

Things like…

– ambition

– staying focused on one thing

– implementing the stuff they learn

– being open to being coached (and not acting like they know it all)

– writing every day

All of this stuff matters…

But if I had to boil it down to one thing…

The one thing that matters the most.

That answer would be quite boring.

And frankly it’s an answer that nobody wants to hear (except those who are interested in the truth).

My answer?


All of the copywriters I coach that have had meteoric rises are consistent.

What do I mean by that?

I mean that they write every single day…

They study copy multiple times a week…

They consistently get feedback on their copy so that it’s getting better each week…

They’re constantly reaching out to potential clients…

And they do this over and over again each day, week, and month…

Now contrast this with someone who doesn’t get great results…

And you’ll see a different story.

Someone who doesn’t get great results MIGHT also do all the things I just talked about…

Except they don’t do them consistently.

So instead of writing 5 days a week, they only write 2 days a week…

Or they got feedback on their copy once, but haven’t done it since.

Or they did a whole bunch of client outreach in March, but then didn’t do any again until September (which is why they struggled to get clients in between).

This is what I mean by consistency.

And I say all this knowing full-well that preaching about “consistency” will turn a LOT of people off.


Cause most people aren’t willing to do the work day in and day out.

They aren’t willing to be consistent.

It’s too boring.

But I’ll let you in on a little secret…

And this is a secret that can make you a LOT of moolah if you embrace it…

Most of the stuff that really matters when it comes to success is boring.


Being successful is not like going to a Tony Robbins event.

It’s not all fun and jumping around.

The stuff that really matters is usually mundane shit that you just do over and over again.


If you keep doing it…

And you’re consistent about it…

You’ll see incredible results.

That’s what I see that seperates the top students from the ones that only get mediocre results.

It’s consistency.

So feel free to do whatever you wish with that info.

If I was in your shoes, I’d embrace it.

And make consistency something I strive for.

That’s my 2 cents…

Hope this was helpful.

Enjoy your Monday.

– Justin


Note: If you want to potentially 2-5x your copywriting income, then you might be interested in working with me on a deeper level.

I have a mentoring program called Copy Accelerator, where you get to learn from me, Stefan Georgi and a group of A-list copywriters every single day.

We’ve already helped hundreds of copywriters hit multiple 6-figures in income like Amber Peoples, Tanner Henkel, Samantha Novak, Mario Castelli, Scott Conorton, Michael Rochin, Scott Mills, Areeba Ahmed, Krista Edsall and more.

So if you want get feedback on your copy, access to high-paying clients and potentially 2-5x where you’re at now…

Then I suggest giving this a read and seeing if it’s for you…

-> Mentor under Justin & Stefan—————

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