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Everything in the funnel works, except the first upsell

This is what one of my clients said to me about two years ago. 

At the time he had a supplement offer that was kicking butt on the frontend.


The first upsell was lagging.

And this was preventing him from being able to scale the offer.

“I get around 11% to say yes to the first upsell on a good day” he said to me.

11% is a pretty weak conversion rate for a first upsell…

So I wanted to know more.

What have you tested so far?” I asked.

He paused for a second.

And then he went through a laundry list of stuff they had tested…

Video vs. no video…

Animated video vs. powerpoint…

Multiple bottles of the supplement…

Longer copy…

He really did test almost everything.

And while he got some good bumps in conversions , he never got it converting as well as it should be.

That’s when I was called in to help.

The first thing I did was a deep dive into his upsell.

I did an analysis using my “Congratulate & Sell” method (this is my formula for getting 40-50% conversion rates on upsells).

After doing the analysis, I discovered my client was doing a lot of stuff right…

But he was still missing one thing.

And in my opinion what he was missing is the most important part of the upsell.

And the data bore this out.

Because when we eventually fixed this part of his upsell, his conversions on went from 11% to 43%.

Read that again.

From 11% to 43%!

That’s 4x better.

And it was all because of one change we made.

So what was the change we made?

Well I’m not gonna share everything with you in this email…

But I am gonna share it on a private Zoom call I’m hosting this Thursday with my partner-in-crime, Stefan Georgi.

On the call, we’ll dig into the 3 biggest upsell mistakes that are hurting your average-order-value (AOV).

And we’ll show you how to fix each one of these so you can increase your AOV and scale your offer.

Simply getting your upsells dialed in (especially the first upsell) can take an offer from 10 sales a day to 100 sales a day.  

Hell, it can take an offer from 100 sales a day to 1000 sales a day too.

I’ve seen it happen.

So on Thursday, Stefan and I are gonna show you how to do that.

If you want to join us on this private Zoom call, simply register for the call at the link below.

The call will be at 1 PM ET/10 AM PT on Thursday.

Here’s the link to register…

-> Private Zoom call w/Justin all about upsells

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.