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One of the most profitable things Stefan Georgi taught me about copywriting was a tiny 2-page block of copy that increases average-order-values by as much as $29!

Sounds crazy, right?

Well I thought so too…

Until I saw it in action.

Here’s the story…

On one of our first Copy Accelerator calls, Stefan was breaking down a sales page he wrote for a supplement offer.

The offer was doing great…

And making sales…

But Stefan said he recently made a change that ended up boosting the AOV by $29!

This immediately caught my attention.


Cause that’s a huge boost in AOV.

That extra $29 could be the difference between doing 20 sales a day and 300 sales a day.

So I listened intently…

Stefan went on to explain how he implemented a 2-page block of copy that he calls the “AOV money close”.

“It basically persuades the reader to take the most expensive package on the page”

So in the case of supplements there’s usually a 1 bottle, 3 bottle and 6 bottle option on most sales pages.

Well the AOV money close pushes more people to take the 6 bottle option.

This means a higher AOV for you…

Which means you have more profit on the front-end…

And you can acquire more customers (since you can pay more for a customer).

So it’s a big win…

Now the mechanics of how the “AOV close” works is pretty simple.

You basically sell the reader on WHY they need the biggest package you offer.

Maybe they’ll get better results…

Or quicker results…

Or a big price savings…

All of this needs to be laid out in a 2-page block of copy…

And here’s the best part…

This AOV close works for pretty much any offer where there’s multiple packages they can buy.

Supplements is the obvious one…

But I’ve seen it work for financial newsletters, survival tools and even a digital/physical book offer.

And I’ve seen it add anywhere from $15 to $29 in AOV.

Now there’s obviously a few more details that go into the AOV money close to get it right…

Including a simple way to setup your product photos that can add another $10-$20 to your AOV.

I can’t explain the whole thing here…

But luckily for you, Stefan spills all of his secrets of the “AOV money close” in module #10 of his RMBC course.


Stefan is having a special Thanksgiving week sale on his RMBC course right now.

So instead of paying the normal price of $997 upfront…

You can get the entire course for just $97 upfront (and then pay the rest at a later date).

I don’t recommend many things to my list…

But RMBC is a game-changer…

So I hope you snap it up while it’s on sale this week if you haven’t yet.

You can get all the details on the RMBC sale, and see if it’s a fit for you right here.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.