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Every Sunday morning I like to write about the random things that are on my mind.

Sometimes these things are about business…

Sometimes they’re about life…

And other times they’re just truly random (like today)

So with that said…

Let’s jump into the first thing on my mind this morning.

1.  Governments always try to get more power through seemingly “good intentions”

Right now Joe Biden is trying to pass a bill that would force banks to let the IRS see all the individual transactions in your bank account.

To any reasonable person, this idea is insane.

That’s your private bank account…

And the government has no right to see your transactions.


This bill is being proposed under the guise that “we’re going to use this to make millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share of taxes”.

The logic goes…

These guys are cheating the system…

And they’re not paying what they owe in taxes…

So we want access to their bank accounts to get more tax revenue from them.

However they want access to everyone’s bank account in order to do this.

As you can see, this power grab is wrapped in “good intentions”.

If they simply said we want access to everyone’s bank accounts, 90% of people would say “hell no”.

But now that they’re doing it to bring down millionaires and billionaires who aren’t paying their “fair share”, all of a sudden people can get behind that.

The idea that this will never be used for any other reason is laughable.

Of course it will.

And it’s only a matter of time before they’re looking at purchases you make as well.

This whole charade is a good reminder that governments always want more power.

And the way they usually get that power is by wrapping it in “good intentions”.

Alright let’s hop to the second thought on my mind…

2.  If you have principles, that means supporting things you don’t agree with

Most people only support things when it’s to their liking.

For example…

If you support a woman’s right to choose under the belief that it’s “her body, her choice”, then you should probably also support her right to choose whether or not she gets vaccinated (i.e you’re not in favor of the government mandating her to get a vaccine, just like you’re not in favor of the govrernment mandating that she birth her child).

To me this seems logical…

But most people don’t think like this.

They don’t think about the “principle” at the core of their belief.

Same goes when talking about businesses and their choices.

If you believe that a baker in Oregon should have the right to refuse service to a gay couple, then you should also believe that same baker has the right to request customers to be vaccinated.

That’s the right of the business owner.

And it’s his right to choose who he allows in his shop. 

However most people who support the baker’s right to refuse certain customers, would balk at the idea of the baker requiring customers to be vaccinated.


Because they don’t truly believe in the principle of a private business being able to serve whoever they want.

They only agree with it when it agrees with their political belief.

Which is an issue.

I had a similar discussion to this with my one buddy recently who is all about “freedom”.

He says he believes in freedom above all else (as do I).

Yet, when I asked him if Americans should be allowed to burn American flags he said “no”.


Cause he thinks it’s wrong.

And that it’s disrespectful to our country.

To me this line of thinking is insane.

Cause if you really believe in “freedom” that means supporting things that you DON’T agree with as well.

That’s what freedom is.

If you’re a true believer in freedom, that means you…

Support people practicing religions that you don’t agree with…

Or living lifestyles that you don’t agree with…

Or saying political speech that you don’t agree with…

If you only support things you agree with, then you’re not supporting freedom at all. 

You’re supporting authoritarianism.

Like I said this is major issue right now.

People don’t think about the principles…

They just support what they agree with (even if it contradicts the principle they say they want).

I don’t have a lot of hope this will change…

But it’d be nice if people stuck to their principles.

Alright I’m gonna wrap this up for today…

I usually do 3 of these random thoughts, but these 2 were quite long so that’s enough for today.

I’m off to get some sun and a walk in.

Hope ya have a good Sunday,

– Justin


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