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Something I’ve been thinking about a LOT lately is building my business so that it aligns with everything I want in my life.

For example…

Here’s a few things I care about these days…

– deep mentorship 

I want to have a REAL impact on the people that buy my trainings, my coaching and who come to my events. 

I want them to make more money, see their life differently, and to live a life they enjoy. 

That’s important to me. 

So I’m making it a focus of my business.

– no big team to manage

I’ve always hated managing people. 

Not only do I hate it, but I’m not good at it either, so double whammy. 

So I intend to keep things as lean as possible (just me and my assistant) for as long as I can

– an open schedule each day

I have friends who their entire day is packed full of Zoom calls, and every minute of their day is accounted for. 

I’m not like that. 

I want an open schedule so that if I choose to go to the gym at noon, or go for a long walk, or take a nap, I can do that and it’s not gonna wreck my whole day.

So an open schedule is a must for me.

– leverage through my email list

I’ve recently had a lot of clarity that my biggest leverage is my email list. 

Right now my list has around 1600 buyers on it.

And my goal over the next year is to add 7000 more buyers to the list. 

Theoretically if I can do that, I think I could keep doing what I’m doing and 2-3x what my business makes each year.

Which is very appealing.

So that’s going to be a big focus of mine in 2024.

– keeping my workday to 3 hours or so

Over the last 12 months, I’ve experimented with working 1 hour a day all the way up to 8 hours a day. 

I found with 1 hour I simply had too much free time to fill, and I actually missed being involved in my business. 

So it wasn’t enough. 

But with 8 hour days, it was too much. 

I felt stressed, and like I had too much on my plate. 

So I’ve kind of found a sweetspot working 3 hours a day.

It’s enough to get all my work done…

But it also leaves me a bunch of free time to go to the gym, get dinner with friends and walk dogs at the rescue by my house.

So keeping my work days in the 3 hour range is a priority going forward.

There’s probably more things I could add here…

But you get the idea.

These are all things that matter to me…

Which is why I’m building a business that aligns with them. 

I’d highly suggest you do the same.

Get clear on what matters to you…

And build your business (or your career) in a way that aligns with what you want.

That might be similar to what I have…

Or it might be very different from what I have…

Either way…

You want to be building something that’s in alignment with what you want.

Cause that’s how you last over the long term…

And that’s how you have a life that you enjoy day in and day out.

Hope this was helpful for you…

Enjoy your Friday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.