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People seem to love when I give them an inside look at how I actually make money, so I’m gonna do that today.

Here’s the deal…

Last week you prolly noticed that I promoted Stefan Georgi’s RMBC course all week.

Which did really well for me…

All in all, I should make between $35k-$50k from the email promos I sent for it.

Which is awesome.

But what I really want to share with you is some of the insights I had from the promo that I think will help you.

1.  When something works, keep doing it

Last year when Stefan initially released his RMBC course, I made about $35k promoting the course to my list.

Which was by far the best affiliate promo I’ve ever done.

Usually I make like $10k or $15k on a good promo.

But Stefan’s made me $35,000.

So what does that mean?

It means that his offer is a great fit for my list.

And I should promote it again.

Which is why I hit him up a few weeks ago to see if we could do a special RMBC deal for my list.

Stefan was all about it, and we setup the Thanksgiving sale that you saw last week.

So the big takeaway here is that when something works, you shouldn’t just do it once…

You should keep doing it.

No need to go find other offers to promote…

Just keep promoting the one that is working.

This is such a simple idea…

But it’s an idea that can make you a lot of dough if you just follow through on it.

Alright let’s look at another big takeaway from the email promo…

2.  Everyone loves a good “sale” or “deal”

When I was running my supplement company in 2015 we stumbled upon a goldmine doing “holiday sales” to our list.

For example…

We would do a special 4-day St Patrick’s Day sale of our greens powder.

We’d load it up with special bonuses.

And give them a great deal.

Each one of these holiday sales was making us $200k or more in profit.

Once we realized how well they worked, we started doing them for every holiday we could think of…

4th of July…

Labor Day…

New years…

By the end of the year, with all of our holiday sales we had made around $2.5 million in profit from.

Which was like 40% of our net revenue for the year.

So it was a BIG needle mover for us.

Well this same idea can apply to whatever it is you’re selling.

With Stefan’s RMBC course, we made a special deal where you could get the course for $97 and then pay the rest at a later date.

For a lot of people, this special deal spurred them to act.

There wasn’t anything fancy about the sale.

It was just a lower price upfront…

But like I said, people love sales…

And if they have a limited amount of time to take advantage of that sale, even better. 

So make sure you’re using sales and special deals whenever you can.

They flat out work.

Alright let’s look at one more takeaway from the successful RMBC promo.

3.  If you simply send the same promo email day-after-day people will get annoyed

One of the biggest mistakes I see people make when promoting an offer is they simply send the same promo email over and over.

Big mistake.

In my mind, I think it’s better to find interesting things to talk about in each email…

And then at the end of the email promote whatever it is you’re promoting.

So for example, with RMBC I used topics like…

– The Michael Jordan of copywriting

– Stefan’s AOV close

– How to land higher-paying clients

– Success stories of people like John Robb and Nick Daniel who have used RMBC

– how to write a salesletter in 3 days

All of these topics are interesting…

So it was easy for me to tell stories about them…

But the big thing I want you to see here is that I’m using different topics to grab your attention.

I’m NOT just sending the same promo email over and over.

I’m providing value…

I’m entertaining you…

This way you keep tuning in.

That’s the goal.

You don’t get that if you just send the same “sales email” over and over.

No one likes that.

So my advice?

If you’re running a sale or a promo, mix up your emails.

Lead with interesting topics…

And then do all your selling at the end of the emails.

I promise your emails will sell a whole lot better if you do this.

Make sense?

I hope so.

Cause that’s all I got for ya today.

Hope you got a nugget or two from this that was helpful. 

Enjoy your Tuesday…

– Justin


Note: If you’re serious about making more dough as a copywriter, then I want to help you.

Stefan Georgi and I run a mentoring program where you can get feedback on your copy, and we even bring high-paying copy gigs your way.

This type of mentorship is not cheap…  

However if you’re serious about being a great copywriter, then I suggest you give it a look and see if it’s a fit for you.

Read more here…


If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.