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Every Sunday I usually write an email about 3 random things on my mind…

I had a lot going on yesterday, so that didn’t get written.

So gonna do it today instead…

Let’s jump into the first random thing on my mind…

1.  Your customers are never just “yours” 

Back in 2019 I went to Kevin Rogers’ Copy Chief event and noticed a big chunk of the people in the room were from our mastermind.

Which surprised me at first…

But then it made a lot of sense.

The best customers buy a lot of things.

They don’t just buy from you.

They buy from everybody.

I know I’m this way myself.

When I was really into self-development I was spending money with Tony Robbins,  Eben Pagan,  T Harv Eker etc…

I bought stuff from each of them…

None of them had an exclusive relationship with me where I only bought from them. 

I wanted more, so I kept learning from all of them.

And that’s important to remember.

The best buyers are also buying from your competitors as well. 

You never really “own” a customer.

It’s just your turn to sell to them…

Alright let’s jump into the second thought on my mind today.

2. Halloween is still the best holiday

I’m sure most people would vote for Christmas if asked what the best holiday is, but my vote goes to Halloween.

To me it’s the epitome of fun.

People let their guards down…

Dress up in crazy costumes…

And for most people it’s a chance to be a kid again.

This was the first year in a while I went all out on Halloween.

I probably spent $10k just on decorations…

But I loved doing it.

And I’ll prolly try to do it even bigger next year.

Alright let’s do one more of these…

3.  If you want to be wealthy, you have to start seein the big picture

I’m putting the finishing touches on my presentation for Ian Stanley’s “Almost Passive Income” event this weekend.

It’s all about what you should do with your money once you make it (AKA investing).

What’s funny is that if you had asked me 5 years ago about investing, I literally knew nothing.

I didn’t understand stocks, real estate, investing in other businesses…nothing like that.

I was the idiot who just put his money in a bank  account and let it sit there (really dumb move).

But over the last few years I’ve gotten serious about learning how to invest.

And now I see that if you want to be wealthy, you need to understand this part.

Cause if you’re just focusing on your income, and you don’t understand how to grow that money once you get it, then you’re just screwing yourself.

That’s the reality.

When it comes to money, you gotta know how to make it, how to keep it and how to grow it.

That’s the key.

I’m really excited to talk about this at Ian’s event. 

So if you’ll be at the event, or if you’re attending virtually, feel free to come say hello.

I won’t bite.

Alright that’s all I got for today.

Gonna head out for a walk…

Enjoy your Monday.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.