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Every Sunday I like to share 3 random things on my mind.

Sometimes these are life lessons…

Sometimes they are business related…

Other times they’re just things I’m thinking about…

With that said, let’s jump into the first one…

1.  Doing things that are hard will change how you see yourself

Yesterday I had a pretty eye-opening experience at the Starting Strength gym.

I wasn’t feeling the best when I walked into the gym.  Kind of lethargic, kind of weak.

I was not looking forward to my heavy squat sets.

So I started warming up like usual to see how I felt.  I did a few sets with just the bar, then 95 lbs, then 135 lbs, then 185 lbs.

On the 185 lb warm-up I struggled to get a rep out.

Which was not a good sign.  Cause my work weight was supposed to be 215 lbs.

So I did one more warm up at 205 lbs.  That one felt a little better.

Heading into my work sets of 215 lbs, I literally thought I had no chance of getting the squats. 

I figured I was just gonna get stuck at the bottom of the squat and have to dump the bar.

But even I surprise myself sometimes.  I knocked out my first set of 3 without keeling over and dying.

It was hard as shit, but I did it.

My next set of 3 was tough as well.  I came up on my last rep and was seeing stars. 

In the end, I ended up hitting all my reps…

215 lbs for two sets of 3.   

And then a few backoff sets at 190 lbs.

When I finished I kind of sat there shocked. 

I did not think I was gonna be able to do that.  

Every second of those sets sucked.

But I certainly felt a shift in the way I looked at my own skills by finishing those sets. 

It was a good reminder that you should try to do hard stuff. 

Cause when you do something hard…and you accomplish it…it changes the way you see yourself. 

Alright, let’s jump to the next thought on my mind…

2.  Little things like college football being canceled are going to be a huge hit to the economy

In the grand scheme of the world economy, college football is just a blip on the radar.

But with the news of multiple conferences canceling for the season (and probably more on the way) I think there’s huge economic implications.

For example…

If there’s no college football this fall,  here’s all the people that will suffer…

– Stadium workers

– Beer manufacturers (and their employees)

– Food vendors for the game

– Bars/Restaurants/Hotels near the games (this is a massive hit in big college towns)

– Video/Photography people at the game

– Sportsbooks/casinos who handle betting action (this drips down to the cocktail servers who make money in those rooms)

– All of the sports media (TV and online) that cover highlights, games etc…

– Uber drivers who make huge money on gamedays

– Ticket brokers like SeatGeek and TicketMaster

– Airlines (people flying to games)

That’s just 10 things I thought of off the top of my head that will be affected by no college football.

I’m sure there’s hundreds more.

The ripple effect on our economy will be huge.

Everything even slightly reliant on college football will be hurt.

And like I said this is just one small part of the economy.

This same ripple is going to happen in other industries as well (like trade shows). 

I worry it’s gonna only get worse.

I hope I’m wrong.

But my general outlook on the economy is not great.

I think we’re in for a tough 12-18 months ahead.

3.  If you can afford to get help, always do it

Everytime I’ve spent money for help on things, it has paid off…

For example…

When I bought my house in 2018, I wanted it to look a certain way, so I hired a decorator to help me. 

I basically gave her ideas of the look and feel that I wanted, and she came to me with options.  

Having a pro help me with this has been worth every penny. 

She knows what she’s doing, and I get to benefit from all her knowledge.

Same thing happened earlier this year when Stefan Georgi and I hired Jen Kem to help us with our live events.

We ponied up $30,000 to work with Jen, and it was one of the smartest decisions we’ve made.

Cause our second event in Vegas was 2-3x better than our first event in Austin. 

It ran smoother…

People at the event liked it a lot more. 

And all of that was because of what we learned from Jen.  

Point being… if you can afford help (i.e. learning from someone who knows more than you) then do it. 

It almost always has a big ROI.

So there ya go…

Those are the 3 things that are on my mind this morning.

Hope you enjoyed ’em.

Have a good Sunday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.