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Here’s a few random things on my mind this Sunday morning…

1.  The constant phrase in my head over the last 6 months has been “simplify”.

How can I simplify my business?

Simplify my day?

Simplify my offer?

I’m not sure what triggered my obsession with simplicity, but it’s given me a lot of clarity.

Especially in my business, where I’ve narrowed my focus to 3 things…

– Copy Accelerator (this includes LITE as well)

– 1000 Buyers A Day course (launches in July)

–  Project X (secret project I’m launching in early 2021)

Anything that falls outside of these 3 things, I pretty much avoid.

Which is tough.

Cause a lot of opportunities come my way…

But having real guidelines for where my focus should be has been huge.

If you’re not doing something like this, I highly recommend starting.

2.  After living in Ohio’s cold weather for most of my life, and now living in warm, sunny Austin for the last four years, I can say without a doubt that I will never live in the cold again.

There’s just no upside to it.

I’m happier in the warm weather…

I’m in a better mood…

I can walk outside my house in January, and it will be 60 or 70 degrees.

I can swim in my pool 10 months out of the year.

Honestly warm weather just makes everything in your life better. 

You have more energy.

You’re more likely to get out and do stuff.

I can’t imagine ever going back to the cold.

3.  It’s been interesting to see how quickly people have loosened up on the social distancing and masks in the last month.

I had a feeling that once things opened back up, people would equate that with “it’s safe now”.

Which is what’s happening.

And I think that’s why we’re seeing an uptick in corona cases in a lot of states (along with the increase in testing).

However at this point I think the cat is out of the bag – and there’s no going back.

People are gonna do what they wanna do.

And even if things get worse, I can’t see people going back into lockdown.

Businesses won’t close again.

People won’t stay inside. 

I think we’re at the point where we’re just gonna have to live with the virus.

You can only keep people inside for so long (unless you’re North Korea).

And with summer here…

People want to be outside doing things.

Telling them to stay inside all summer just isn’t realistic. 

Whether or not this is the right choice, I don’t know.

But as an observer of human behavior, I think most people are just gonna live their lives…

And then deal with the consequences if something happens. 

Hopefully things turns around…

But only time will tell.

That’s all I got for ya today…

I’m off to eat, and to get a swim in.

Enjoy your Sunday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.