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Every Sunday I like to tell you about 3 things that are on my mind.

Sometimes these things are about busines…

Other times they’re about life…

And sometimes they’re completely random…

Here’s the first one…

1.  I sent a survey out to my list last week with 6 different courses I’m considering creating.

And some of the data that came back was surprising.

For example… The highest rated product had 84% of people saying they would buy it.

Which is incredible.

But the lowest rated one had 36% saying they would buy it.

Huge difference.

So what was the lowest one?

It was a course talking about things like perfectionism and imposter sydrome.   

To be fair, I kind of threw this one in last minute and didn’t have high hopes for it.

But here’s what’s interesting to me…

When I write aboutmy struggles with perfectionism – or how I still struggle with imposter syndrome at times…

It gets a better response than anything else I write about!

So people actually do like reading about that kind of stuff…

Yet, they probably wouldn’t buy a course on it.

Good marketing lesson there.

Don’t try to sell people stuff they don’t want.

2.  Before the pandemic hit, I was traveling at least once or twice a month on average.   

Since March though, I haven’t gone anywhere.

Which I was completely fine with at first…

I like being at home.

And I like being in my routine. 

But lately I’ve been feeling like I’m just living the same week over and over again. 

Nothing really changes.

And it’s making me realize how much those  trips,  would make me feel re-energized when I came back home. 

So I’m planning to change this…

And do one trip a month…

Just for 2-3 days…

Probably somewhere that I can drive to in Texas.

Hoping that helps to break things up and makes it feel like I’m not just on repeat each week.

Let’s jump to my last one now…

3.   I’ve been re-reading Ramit Sethi’s book “I Will Teach You To Be Rich” and I’m convinced that not teaching kids personal finance is one of the biggest mistakes we make as a society. 

I didn’t understand anything in regards to personal finance until I was about 33.

My parents never taught me anything about it…

I didn’t learn it in school…

It would have helped me a lot to learn about things like…

– Investing with index funds

– Making sure my expenses didn’t increase as much as my income went up (i.e. rich people who live paycheck to paycheck)

– How to run the numbers on renting vs buying a house

– Buying cars vs. leasing them

– How much of your income you should save

All that stuff would have been great to know.

But no one ever taught me it.

It wasn’t until I started making good money in my early 30’s that I dove into it.

And I read 3-4 books on personal finance.

Luckily for me I figured it out in my 30’s.

Most people never figure it out.

Or they hit 50 and start to realize they’re never gonna be able to retire and they freak out.

Which is a shame.

That’s why I wish this stuff was taught early on.

By parents…

By schools…

Fact is you’re gonna make a LOT of money over your career…

Knowing what to do with that money is just as important as knowing how to make it.

Most people only focus on the first part (making the money).

Some food for thought for ya…

I’m gonna wrap this up cause I gotta take off…

Heading out the door to do some yoga with a friend…

Enjoy your Sunday…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.