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A bunch of people have been emailing me about Brent’s “Correction Method” that I’ve been telling you about and asking…

“Will this work for women?”

“Does this work for older people?”

“Does this work if you’re Asian/Black/Hispanic?”

All valid questions…

And the honest truth is Brent’s method does NOT work for every single person who uses it.

So I’m gonna share some of the people I’ve seen it NOT work very well for…

Starting with…

1. Very successful business owners who think they “know everything” and think they don’t have any problems

I know 2-3 people like this who went to one of Brent’s workshops, or worked with him 1-on-1 and they did not get much in the way of results.


Because they were so ingrained in the mentality that they didn’t have any problems, that they closed themselves off from reality.

They preferred to suffer and live under the delusion that everything in their life was “great”.

Seems insane to me…

But if you have a similar mindset as this, I’d recommend passing on Brent’s work.

So that’s the first kind of person I’ve seen it not work for…

The second kind of person I saw it not work with was a lone, isolated case.  And that’s…

2. Someone who has severe, severe trauma from when they were 0-3 years old

Out of all of the people I sent to the live workshops Brent used to run, only one guy was not able to tap into the “inner child” that’s required to use Brent’s corrections.


Because he had so much trauma from the ages of 0-3 (basically his mom used to torture him and leave him on his own for days on end) and that was so painful for him that he completely blocked those memories out.

And when he tried to do a correction, he had a very difficult time accessing his inner child (which is needed for the correction).

99% of the other people who have gone through Brent’s work have not had an issue with this.

But for some reason this guy’s trauma was so bad, and so deep that he didn’t even have access to those memories.

I highly doubt this is your case (even if you had a bad childhood), but it was an example of someone who the method didn’t work for, so I wanted to share it with you.

Now, the last person that the method doesn’t work for is one that is actually pretty common.

I saw it with a few people.

And that’s…

3. Someone who buys the course, and doesn’t actually DO the corrections

Bottom line, if you buy Brent’s course, and you DON’T actually use it, nothing is going to change for you.

No doubt his method is incredibly effective…

And it can help you to remove a lot of the “blocks” that are causing you to have writer’s block, make less money than you want, undercharge for your services, and even causing you to procrastinate with starting or scaling a business…  

So it can help with all that…

But you have to actually do the corrections.

The good part about that is that the corrections only take about 20 minutes to do…

And you can do the whole thing on a single sheet of notebook paper.

PLUS, once you do them once, you either remove the block completely…

Or it will go from like an 80 on the triggering scale to a 30.

So it’s a huge difference in how you feel. 

And I’ve personally seen his method work for 99% of the people who have done the corrections.

It works for men…

It works for women…

It works for black people…

It works for white people…

It works for Asians…

It works for Hispanics…

It works if you’re LGBTQ…

It works for any nationality…

It works if you’re 75 years old…

And it also works if you’re 18 years old.

I’ve seen it work for pretty much everyone. 

Because the truth is…

Unlike most self-help stuff, Brent’s correction method works at the ROOT of your issues.

It’s not surface level stuff.

It gets down to the real reason why you’re…

– scared to leave your clients and start a business

– waiting til the last minute to write every piece of sales copy 

– constantly forcing yourself to write “perfect” copy

– terrified to charge the prices and rates you truly deserve

– and a whole lot more…

All of this can be helped with Brent’s correction method.

So if you want help with any of this…

And you’re serious about fixing your problems…

Then this is for you.

The current cost to work with Brent 1-on-1 for a full year is $125,000.

Which is frankly way too expensive for almost everyone on my list. 

However his new “Corrections Method” course is literally the exact same method he uses with his private clients (like me).

And you’re getting access to it for a fraction of the cost that private clients pay. 

So it’s a hell of a deal…

And on top of that…

I know Brent is doing 4 LIVE group calls with anyone that buys the course this week.

So he’s going to walk you through his whole correction method and answer any questions you have.

Which will be extremely valuable if you like having someone alongside of you helping you while you go through it (I know I like having that).

PLUS in addition to the calls with Brent, I’m gonna sweeten the pot for you with a special bonus of my own.

If you pick up Brent’s course this week through my affiliate link, you’re going to get an invite to a 2-day “Fun in the Sun” mastermind I’m hosting at my house in Austin.

The mastermind will be on May 27th and 28th (this is a Saturday and Sunday). 

And what we’ll do is mastermind on day 1, and I’ll be there to give you 1-on-1 feedback on things like scaling your business, dialing in your offer, improving your copy, getting clients etc…

And then on day 2 we’ll have a pool party at my house where we’ll be grilling up some delicious food, hanging in the sun, and making connections.

This laid-back environment is perfect for you to meet clients, affiliate partners, media buyers and the like.

Plus, I’ll probably invite a bunch of the big name marketers in Austin to join us as well at the pool party. 

So it should be an amazing weekend. 

One note on this though…

Based on previous events I’ve hosted at my house,  I know I only have room for about 55 people. 

So the invite to the mastermind will only be open to the first 55 people who pick up Brent’s course through my affiliate link (as of me writing this, it looks like there’s about 7 spots left).

So if you want a spot in the mastermind…

I suggest not dilly-dallying and waiting to the last minute. 

If you’re ready to get rid of the blocks that are holding you back with business, money, relationships and more…

Simply head over to Brent’s website, and you can get all the info and grab your copy of his course right here

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.