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Every Sunday I like to write about three random things that are on my mind.

Sometimes these things are about business…

Sometimes they’re about life…

And sometimes they’re just truly random.

So with that said, let’s hop to the first thing on my mind this morning.

1.  It’s ok to spend money on things that are “luxury” things

Last night I drove to Houston with my buddy Tanner to watch the UFC fights.

We ended up getting floor seats that were in the 5th row.

So we were right next to Dana White, a bunch of UFC fighters and all the celebs that were there.

I’ve never sat that close at a fight…

So it was cool to be “in the action” and right next to the cage.


I couldn’t help but notice that sitting on the floor at a UFC event is a far cry from how I grew up.

My parents would have never been able to afford this.

And it was ingrained into me early on that you don’t spend money on things that aren’t necessary.

So every once in a while, I still have hesitations spending money on “luxury” things (like floor seats at a UFC fight) even though I can afford it.

This has been a work-in-progress for me over the years.

Basically “deprogramming” all the bad money beliefs I had growing up.

And honestly, I feel like I’m in a better spot now.

I feel like I can freely spend on luxury things like massages, sports tickets, vacations etc…

And not feel like I’m wasting money…

But it took a while to get there.

So if you struggle with similar thoughts…

Just know that if you can afford it, it’s ok to spend money on nice things (even if those things are not necessities).

Alright let’s jump into the second thought on my mind this morning…

2.  30 minutes in the hot sauna each night has been improving my sleep

Last week I started messing around with doing 30 minutes in an infrared sauna around 7 o’clock at night.

I did it Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

And I noticed that my sleep was better on each of those nights.

When I tracked it on my Oura ring, my deep sleep improved by about 20% (which is significant).

I’m gonna keep running this experiment for another week or so, but it feels like something I’ll keep doing.

I like the relaxation of it…

I like the warmth…

And it’s just a good way for me to decompress and wind-down at the end of the day. 

So I’m gonna keep testing it.

Which kind of ties in with my next thought…

3.  Better sleep is the biggest performance-enhancer I’ve found

I had really bad insomnia back in 2018.

To the point that I was barely getting 20 minutes of deep sleep a night (I now get around an hour and 20 minutes).

So I’ve been experimenting with all kinds of ways to sleep better.

And here’s a few that have really moved the needle for me…

(One note – I dont have kids keeping me up at night, so your mileage may vary)

– No computer or cell phone after 7 PM (this is a big one for me.  My sleep is noticeably worse when I’m on my phone or computer in the hours before I go to bed).  I shut both off around 7 and I don’t open them or look at them til morning. 

– Dinner is at 630 at the latest.  I usually go to bed around 9:30-9:45.  So if I eat any later than 630 or 7, it messes with my sleep.  The food in my stomach makes me restless.  And I can’t stay asleep.  So making sure I don’t eat anything late at night is key for me.

– Blue light blocking glasses at night.  This is one I do on-and-off, but when I do it, I’m noticably more tired at night, and I sleep deeper.  So wearing them is worth it after about 8 PM for me.

– Sauna – Right now I’m just doing 20-30 minutes a night around 7 PM in the sauna (there’s place near my house that has saunas and cold plunges, so I just go there).  I think it’s a good way to wind-down for the night.  It helps me relax.  And take my mind off work.  Plus I love the heat, so it feels good. 

– Cold room – I keep the temperature in my room around 65 when it’s warm out.  And then in the winter, I literally just turn the heat off upstairs in my house and it’s in the low 60’s or high 50’s upstairs.  I sleep much, much better when my room is cold and I’m bundled up under a bunch of blankets.  So I make sure my room is always cold. 

So there ya go…

Those are a few of the things that have helped my sleep over the last three years.

Hopefully they help you as well.

I can tell you that getting more deep sleep, and having a more consistent sleep schedule has done wonders for my productivity…

And my energy levels during the day.

Sleep is like the least sexy thing ever…

But it’s probably the best performance-enhancer there is, so well worth getting it right.

Alright, I’m gonna wrap this up…

Actually gonna go get a sauna in now…

And then relax the rest of the day.

Enjoy your Sunday

– Justin


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