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Every Sunday morning I like to write about 3 things that are on my mind. 

Sometimes these things are about business…

Sometimes they’re about life…

And other times they’re just truly random.


Today’s 3 thoughts are gonna be all about the mental blocks that are holding you back from achieving what you want in life. 

So with that said…

Let’s dig into the first thought on my mind this morning…

1.  If you grew up in an Asian or Indian family, you probably have a lot of “perfectionism” going on inside you

Different cultures view success differently.

For example my friend Harbir (who’s Indian) was expected to get straight A’s while in school…

Then he was expected to be a high-level piano player…

When he got older,  he was expected to get into a top-tier college…

And then after college he was expected to  become a doctor. 

That was the plan.

And anything short of that plan would mean he’s “lazy” and “unambitious”. 

I’ve heard similar stories from a lot of my Asian and Indian friends. 

This kind of unrealistic standard (aka perfectionism) is rampant. 

And the problem with this is that you constantly feel criticized…

So you work harder and harder to be perfect in every area of your life…

But nothing you ever do is good enough for your parents.

And when this happens day after day and year after year…

It just wears on you.

You feel like you can’t do anything right.

And that everything you do is wrong. 

It’s draining. 

And I’ll say if you grew up in a family like this, there’s a very good chance this perfectionism is affecting your writing, your business, your relationships and even how you raise your kids.

So it’s a pretty vicious cycle.

And if you grew up in a family like this, I’d highly suggest you do some “corrections” around the perfectionism that’s dominated your life. 

You’ll feel a lot more at ease…

And you’ll be able to have a more fun and joy in your life because of it.

Alright let’s look at the second thought on my mind this morning…

2. You can understand that you had a f’d up childhood WITHOUT blaming your parents for it

A common question I get when I talk about how some of the crap from my childhood affects me today is…

“Aren’t you just being a victim by blaming all your problems on your parents?”

In short, no.

There’s a difference between blaming all your problems on your parents and simply being aware of how your parents raised you…

Cause the truth is, your parents are human.

They made mistakes. 

Some of those mistakes are small mistakes that are easy to get past.

While others are big mistakes that you end up holding onto and dealing with for the rest of your life.

That’s how life works. 

And I think it’s smart to be aware of both the good and the bad that you got from your parents.

This is called living in reality.

You don’t want to pretend that your parents were perfect, and that everything was all sunshine and roses in your life.

That’s delusional. 

You want to have a realistic view of how you were raised, so you can understand why you are the way you are. 

That’s a more “adult” way of thinking.

Alright let’s hop to the third thought on my mind this morning…

3.  If you’re a personal development junkie who is always looking for the next seminar, retreat or thing that will fix you, then you probably have a lot of deep triggering going on inside of you

Back before I worked with my coach, Brent, I was the ultimate personal development junkie.

For example…

In 2017, I did a 3-day personal development workshop. 

I did a similar one that was 10-days.

I did another one that was 9-weeks…

I did the Landmark forum…

I went to Tony Robbins “Date with Destiny”…

I did ayahuasca…

I did LSD…

I bought books and courses by Brene Brown, John Bradshaw, and Pia Mellody…

I did 1-on-1 calls with Dr. Robert Glover who wrote the book “No More Mr. Nice Guy”.

I did a lot of stuff that year.

And I can say looking back on it, that all of the stuff I did was helpful.

I got new insights…

And learned new techniques for dealing with the crap that I was feeling. 

However, the downside to all the self-help I did was that pretty much none of it produced long-lasting, permanent change. 

I would usually feel better for a week or two (like after a Tony Robbins event or an ayahuasca retreat)…

But eventually all my bad patterns and negative thinking would come back.

And I’d be back in the same place I started.

That was the cycle over and over again.

And nothing truly changed for me until I started to work with my current coach, Brent Charleton.

Cause Brent’s stuff doesn’t work at the surface of your problems.

It gets to the root cause. 

This is why I’m such a big evangelist for Brent’s work.

And why I’ve been emailing you all week about his new course. 

His method is the only thing I’ve found that’s helped me to permanently remove the mental blocks and negative self-talk that held me back for years.

And as a result of that deeper work, I’ve been able to…

– charge the fees that I know my stuff is worth 

– get past my writer’s block and the perfectionism I have with writing

– talk to women without worrying about them rejecting me

– keep my emotions in check and communicate how I feel with business partners (I had a tendency to bottle everything up before Brent, and then explode on the people I worked with)

– erase my “people pleasing” tendencies (this was a big difference in both my business and dating life)

– have a better relationship with my body and how I look when I’m around other guys who are in better shape than me

– make money easier than ever before

– live a life that’s more authentically “me” instead of trying to put on an act, or a mask like I used to

All that is a result of working with Brent.

And that’s really the main reason why I’m eagerly sharing his new course with you so much this week.

I know it will change your life if you use it.

And frankly, for $997 his course is an absolute steal.

Cause it costs $125,000 to work with the guy as a 1-on-1 client.

And his course literally shows you the same method that he uses with 1-on-1 clients.

So it’s a hell of a deal…

He even has an entire fill-in-the-blank template for you on how to use his “Correction Method”. 

All it takes is a single sheet of notebook paper…

And about 20 minutes of your time…

And you’ll be on your way to removing the blocks you have around perfectionism, procrastination, making money (and more).


I know Brent is planning to do 4 LIVE bonus calls with anyone that buys the course this week.

So he’s going to walk you through his whole correction method and answer any questions you have.

Which will be extremely valuable if you want to have someone alongside of you helping you while you go through it.

I would bet a pretty penny that Brent will NOT be doing these live calls in the future.

So if you want in on that…

I’d grab the course today.

Also, in addition to the bonus that Brent is offering…

I’m gonna sweeten the pot for you with a special bonus of my own.

If you pick up Brent’s course this week through my affiliate link, you’re going to get an invite to a 2-day “Fun in the Sun” mastermind I’m hosting at my house in Austin.

The mastermind will be on May 27th and 28th (this is a Saturday and Sunday). 

And what we’ll do is mastermind on day 1, and I’ll be there to give you 1-on-1 feedback on things like scaling your business, dialing in your offer, improving your copy, getting clients etc…

And then on day 2 we’ll have a pool party at my house where we’ll be grilling up some delicious food, hanging in the sun, and making connections.

This laid-back environment is perfect for you to meet clients, affiliate partners, media buyers and the like.

Plus, I’ll probably invite a bunch of the big name marketers in Austin to join us as well at the pool party. 

So it should be an amazing weekend. 

One note on this though…

Based on previous events I’ve hosted at my house,  I know I only have room for about 55 people. 

So the invite to the mastermind is only be open to the first 55 people who pick up Brent’s course through my affiliate link.

And as of me writing this email, it looks like there’s about 6 spots left. 

So if you want a spot in the mastermind…

I suggest not dilly-dallying and waiting to the last minute. 

So that’s the deal…

If your curiosity has been piqued…

And you’re ready to get rid of the blocks and the negative self-talk that are holding you back with business, money, writing, relationships and more…

Simply head over to Brent’s website, and you can get all the info and grab a copy of his course right here

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.