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Every Sunday morning I like to write about 3 random things that are on my mind.

Sometimes these things are about business…

Sometimes they’re about life…

And other times they’re just completely random.

So with that said…

Let’s jump into the first thing on my mind this morning…

1.  If you’re a copywriter, you can immediately set yourself apart from every other copywriter by simply delivering your work on time and being a pleasure to work with


Because most copywriters usually take on too many projects…

Or they procrastinate…

And they wind-up turning things in late.

Or they go M.I.A. and they’re impossible to get a hold of.

Every business owner who’s hired a copywriter has probably experienced this at least once (I know I have).

So knowing this is how most copywriters operate…

One of the best things you can do is to simply NOT do this.

That means you deliver what you say you’re gonna deliver.

And you do it on time…

And you’re easy to work with.

This is not rocket science.

But it will put you in the top 5% of copywriters that people want to work with simply because you are reliable.

Alright let’s hop to the second thought on my mind this morning…

2.  Specialists will almost always make more money than generalists

Last night me and a few friends went to see a cover band that plays a lot of early 2000’s pop punk.

So their entire set is songs by Blink 182, My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy and bands like that. 

Which is basically the only music I listened to in highschool. 

So it was a blast to re-live that.

But what’s even more interesting to me, is just how successful this cover band is because of the fact that they specialize.

I mean, there was easily 400+ people at this show.

And they charged $25 a ticket.

That’s a lot of money.

There’s REAL bands that have been together for ten years and can’t sell 400 tickets to a show. 

So for a cover band, these guys are making great money.

And that’s really due to the fact that they were smart enough to specialize.

They’re not playing Tom Petty, U2 and ACDC along with Blink 182.


It’s just straight pop punk hits from the early 2000’s.

They know their market.

And they’re giving them exactly what they want…

Basically a night of “nostalgia” listening to all the bands we loved growing up. 

These guys understand that.

And understanding how powerful “specialization” can be is a million dollar lesson.

Alright, I’m gonna do one more of these.

This one is gonna be a little more on the serious side…

3.  When governments infringe on the rights of people you don’t like, it’s only a matter of time before they do the same to you

Earlier this week, Justin Trudeau (Canada’s leader) put into place some pretty authoritarian measures that allowed the government to freeze the bank accounts of certain protestors in Canada.

This “freeze” included any accounts the protestors owned related to banks, stocks and crypto.

One thing I noticed while this was happening, was the overwhelming support for this by people who disagreed with the protest. 

“Good, freeze all their accounts and make it impossible for them to protest”

To me this is typical of where we’re at today.

No one sees the big picture.

No one takes a step back to say “should the government be allowed to freeze the bank accounts of someone who hasn’t even been convicted of a crime?”

No that discussion never comes up…

It’s basically “I dont like this group of people so whatever you have to do to get rid of them, I’m fine with”

And for me that’s a scary thought.

Cause if the government is able to do this to people you don’t like…

It’s only a matter of time until they do it to you.

Cause at some point the “other side” will be in power.

And the other side (who disagrees with your politics) might not like what you’re protesting.

And they’ll do the same to you.

They’ll freeze your bank accounts…

And wreak havoc on your life.

This is what happens when people don’t see the “big picture”.

Instead of arguing whether the protestors in Canada are patriots or idiots…

We should be asking “Am I ok with the government freezing the bank accounts of citizens who haven’t been convicted of any crimes?”


“If this was a cause I believed in, would I be ok with the government doing the same thing?”

For me, the answer is a clear “no”.

I don’t care if I agree with the protest or not.

I’m not ok with the government having that kind of power over it’s citizens.

That never leads to good things.

So I’ll forever defend anyone in this situation (even if I disagree with their political position).

But like I mentioned before…

Most people don’t think like this.

They only care if the protest aligns with their own political views. 

I think that’s a mistake. 

If we’re going to keep our freedoms…

We need to get away from the “red vs blue” BS…

And start protecting individual freedoms (even when it’s someone we disagree with politically).

Alright, I need to wrap this up…

And get out for a walk.

Hope you got a nugget or two from this.

Enjoy your Sunday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.