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Every Sunday morning I like to write about 3 random thoughts that are on my mind.

Sometimes these thoughts are about business…

Sometimes they’re about life…

And other times they’re truly random.

So with that said…

Let’s jump into the first thing on my mind this Sunday morning…

1.  How people react to you is all about what’s going on inside of them, and not actually about you

A few weeks ago, Mr Beast (the biggest Youtuber in the world) made a video where he paid for 1000 blind people to have cataract surgery.

Each of these people struggled to see before the surgery, so they couldn’t do normal things like see their grandkids, drive to the grocery store etc…

But that could all be fixed with a simple, 10 minute surgery.

So Mr Beast paid for 1000 people to have the cataract surgery (and made a heart-wrenching video with all of the people’s reactions after the surgery). 

The first time I watched the video I started crying. 

It was incredibly emotional. 

And when it was over it left me thinking “damn…good for him for doing that”. 

Now silly ole’ me assumed that most people would have a similar reaction as I did to the video. 

But that wasn’t the case…

Cause all kinds of articles and Twitter posts popped up taking shots at Mr. Beast because of that video. 

Some people accused him of “exploiting” these desperate people for financial gain.

Others accused him of promoting “ableism”…

I was shocked. 

I can’t imagine any of the blind people that he helped have anything but good things to say about what he did. 

I’m sure they’re very grateful for his help.

Yet that doesn’t matter to the miserable cretins taking shots at him. 

For some reason this upset them…

So they decided to take shots.

Which is exactly what I was talking about in the beginning of this thought. These people’s reactions are not really about what Mr. Beast did.

It’s really about what’s going on inside of them…

It’s about their screwed up beliefs about money, helping others, and what they think of showcasing your good deeds.

That’s what it’s really about.

It’s not about Mr. Beast. 

And this is an important thing to keep in mind, cause a lot of people are gonna have ridiculous reactions to the things you do as well.

And it’ll help you get through it when you realize that their reaction is actualy not about you, it’s about what’s going on inside of them.

Alright let’s hop to my second thought this morning…

2.  One of the smartest things I’ve done this year is get serious about planning out my months on a big calendar 

This is a picture of the calendar I keep by my laptop…

I use this calendar to organize a few things…

– promos that I’m going to do for my email list (both my own products and affiliate offers)

– times I’ll be traveling, going to an event, or going on vacation

I used to never plan things like this…

But now that I do, it’s incredibly helpful.

I know what’s coming up…

I know when I have slow months…

I know when I can take vacations (and when I can’t)…

It’s super helpful to have this planned out, and laid out in front of me (and not in a Google Calendar).

If you’ve never done anything like this, I’d highly recommend it.

It’ll give you a lot of clarity…

And make your life less stressful.

Alright let’s hop to the last thought on my mind this morning…

3. It’s amazing how all the talk around COVID just suddenly disappeared

Yesterday I was looking at the recent COVID numbers for Austin and noticed that the numbers today aren’t any different than they were during the peak years of COVID.

We’re still averaging 100-200 cases of COVID a day in Austin…

Which is inline with where things were at this time in 2020, 2021 and 2022. 

Yet in all those years, the politicians and news stations made it sound like we were terrorists if we weren’t wearing a mask or getting our shots. 

So why is it so different now?

Why did I need to wear a mask walking into a restaurant in 2021, but I don’t now?

Why did I need proof of a COVID vaccine to go to a concert in 2021, but I don’t now?

Why did I need proof of a negative test to fly to the US in 2021, but I don’t now? 

It doesn’t make any sense.

And this skepticism isn’t coming from someone who’s an anti-vaxxer steeped in conspiracy theories.

I got the J&J shot in 2021.

I wore masks. 

Yet, I’m still here wondering why COVID is still around at similar rates, yet nobody seems to care. 

Knowing what I know now about COVID and it’s effects, I’d certainly do things differently if I had the chance.   

I was ok with temporary lockdowns at the start to figure out what was going on (i.e. like two weeks of lockdown). But knowing what we know about how how it affected the economy, supply chains and the national debt… I wouldn’t be in favor of shutting anything down.

Also if I had the chance, I probably would not get the shot again.  They seem pretty ineffective for someone my age.  And for me personally, my body did not react well to the J&J shot.  I was in a fog of chronic fatigue for the better part of 3 months. So I wouldn’t want to go through that again.

But it is interesting to look back and see how much people’s perceptions of COVID have changed (even though the numbers aren’t that different). 

It makes you realize how much of it was simply emotional hysteria…

And not based on facts. 


That’s something to keep in mind the next time the media and politicians are screaming that we need to do something like invade a country, change our eating habits, give away more of our money etc…

They usually have different priorities than you do.

And your wellbeing is pretty low on their list of priorities.

So keep that in mind…

Time for me to wrap this puppy up.

Hope you got a nugget or two from this.

Enjoy your Sunday

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.