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Sometimes on Sundays I like to share 3 random things that are on my mind.

Sometimes these things are about copy…

Sometimes they’re about life…

And other times they’re just truly random.

So with that said…

Let’s hop into the first thing on my mind this morning…

1.  There’s a saying in fitness that the “best” program is the one you’ll stick to, and I’ve found that to be true about a lot of things in life

One of my goals for 2024 was to be consisternt with doing two cardio sessions a week.


Cause I hate cardio.

I don’t like running.

I don’t like riding a bike.

I don’t like using the rower.

And because I don’t like any of those things, I never stick with them. 

So one of my goals for 2024 was to find some form of cardio that I actually enjoy.

And I landed on two things…

Pickleball and boxing.

Pickleball is simply fun, it gets me moving, and it allows me to spend time with friends. 

So it checks a lot of boxes.

And then boxing is something I did when I was in my 20’s…

So I recently bought a heavy bag for my garage and I’ve been knocking out a few rounds on it each week.

So we’re five weeks into 2024…

And so far, I’ve had no problem sticking with the two cardio sessions each week. 

Which goes back to my original point…

The “best” workout is the one you’ll stick to…

So try to find something you enjoy (and that doesn’t feel like torture)…

And stick with it.

Alright let’s hop to the second thought on my mind this morning…

2.  Take a hard look at the gurus you follow and ask yourself if you want the life that they have

This is something I wish someone had told me when I was younger.


Cause there’s a lot of gurus that make a bunch of dough, who’s life you probably don’t want.

For example…

There’s a guy I know in our space who is up every morning at 6, and who works until 7 each night…

He does this every single day (even on weekends).

He never has a day off…

I don’t think he’s been on vacation in years…

And if you ever go to dinner with him, the only thing he knows how to talk about are funnels and what’s going on in the industry.

Does that sound like a fun life?

Maybe it does to you…

But that ain’t the kind of life I want.

I want to actually have free time…

I want to watch a football game on the weekends…

Or cook dinner for my friends…

Or hang out at the park for a few hours when it’s sunny.

Those are the kinds of things that drive me.

Not working 12 hours a day…

So if you’re following someone who is a work-a-holic…

And who has no life outside of work…

Ask yourself…

Is this the kind of life that I want?

Cause they’re only going to be able to teach you what they know.

And what they know is working all-day, everyday.

So if that’s not the life you want…

Maybe it’s time to rethink who you follow…

Alright let’s hop to the third thing on my mind this morning…

This third thought is the result of a little social media experiment I’ve been doing…

And that’s…

3.  Simply removing Instagram and Facebook from my phone has done wonders for keeping me off my phone

About 10 days ago I decided to remove Instagram and Facebook from my phone.


Cause I noticed I had developed a bad habit of  grabbing my phone and immediately opening one of those two apps.

Anytime I was bored, I’d reach for my phone…

And I’d open IG or Facebook…

And then I’d mindlessly scroll for 20 minutes…

So to prevent that…

I simply removed both of the apps from my phone.

And now I only use ’em when I’m on my computer.

So when I’m at my computer, I’ll actually go to…  


And that’s made a huge difference.

In the last week, I went from spending 90+ minutes a day on these apps…

To now using them for less than 10 minutes a day.

So, it’s a big change.

And it makes sense why…

Every single feature of these apps is optimized for your phone.

They want to keep you on the app…

And keep you scrolling…

But if you simply go to…


It’s not as optimized.

So it’s not as appealing to use. 

So you end up looking at a few things, and then you log off (instead of doom scrolling for 20 minutes). 


I thought that little experiment was interesting.

And you’re like me and you have a problem spending too much time on IG or Facebook…

Try removing ’em from your phone…

And only using them when you’re at your computer.

I bet it’ll make a difference.


I need to wrap this up…

This turned into a massive email. 

So hopefully you got a nugget or two from this.

Enjoy your Sunday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.