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Every Sunday morning I like to write about 3 random things that are on my mind.

Sometimes these things are about business…

Sometimes they’re about life…

And other times they’re just completely random.

So with that said…

Let’s jump into the first thing on my mind this Sunday morning.

1.  The most important thing isn’t your copy, or the big idea, it’s about how appealing your offer is to the person reading it

I was watching a video from the very smart Caleb O’Dowd this past week where he was talking about how he doubled the conversions on one of his webinars.

And the way he doubled the conversions had nothing to do with re-writing the copy…

Or testing the price…

He didn’t do any of that.

What he did was simply tweak his offer so that it was a lot easier to say “yes” to.

So instead of showing them how to setup Facebook ads, he said “I’ll set them up for you”.

And instead of showing them how to setup an optin page, he said “I’ll set one up for you”. 

He shifted the entire offer from showing them how to do it…

To actually doing it for them.

Now obviously this is a big undertaking…

And you need the right team in place to fulfill on the promises that Caleb made…

But my big takeaway here is just how powerful it is to make your offer more appealing.

Caleb was able to double his conversions without changing any of the copy.

It was all about making the offer easier to say “yes” to. 

Alright let’s hop to the second thought on my mind this morning…

2.  Learning “what to do” is more important than the technical details of how to do it

After I did my list building training a few weeks ago, one of the guys who bought it emailed me and said he loved the training, but wishes I would have showed more of the details of how to setup an optin page, how to run Facebook ads etc…

I don’t usually get requests like this…

So I thought about why I don’t teach that stuff, and it became quite clear to me…

I don’t teach that stuff (like setting up an optin page) because that’s the EASY part.

You can figure that out by watching Youtube videos…

Or hiring someone on Upwork…

It’s not hard to do.

The hard part (and what brings in the money) is everything I taught on the training…

Things like figuring out the right angle for your lead magnet…

Or where to get traffic from (some traffic sources are a lot better than others for putting buyers on your list)…

Those are the parts that matter.

The actual grunt work of setting up the opt-in page is the easy part. 

So my advice is to not get caught up in the technical aspects, and instead put your focus on the part that actually makes you money.  

You’ll be a lot better off if you do that…

Alright let’s hop to the third thing on my mind this morning…

3.  I don’t know if I’m going through a mid-life crisis, or if I’m just allowing myself to “play” and have fun again, but I’ve recently gotten back into a lot of things that I used to be into when I was a kid

Over the past three weeks I’ve…

– started buying a bunch of baseball cards that I wanted when I was a kid (I bought a Ken Griffey Jr. and a Bo Jackson card already, and I’m considering splurging on a Michael Jordan 86 Fleer as well).  I was like 10 when Jordan was in his prime so he was always my favorite player. And I think it’d be pretty sweet to have his 86 Fleer rookie card

– On Saturday I spent $1100 on roller hockey gear so I can start playing street hockey again.  I was like 8 when Mighty Ducks came out, and me and all my buddies played street hockey everyday til we were in highschool.  Recently I’ve been looking for some sports to get into for cardio reasons, and I discovered there’s a street hockey rink like 20 minutes from my house, so I decided to get all the gear and start playing again.  I’m probably gonna be sore as hell and regretting this after the first game, but as of now I’m excited to get back into it

– Speaking of reliving my childhood, me and my buddy Joe recently bought tickets to go to WrestleMania in April.  I haven’t watched wrestling since I was like 13, but for some reason I got an itch to go to WrestleMania. I feel like it’s one of those bucket list items that I want to do once in my life.  Plus I’m sure it will be a blast and bring back a lot of memories from when I was a kid

Anyways, all this stuff came up in the last few weeks…

I found it strange at first.

And it had me thinking…

Why am I all of a sudden interested in all these things that I was into when I was a kid?

So last week when I was working with my coach (Brent) I asked him his thoughts on it…

And he basically said “it’s a good thing that you’re doing this, you’re finally allowing yourself to have fun and play, and not be so focused on work”.  

Which makes sense…

I certainly feel more free these days…

And more creative…

I’m only working an hour or two a day right now, so that seems to have freed me from a lot of added stress.


I don’t really have a big lesson to share with you from this…

But I will say, if you’re feeling bogged down with work…

And feeling like you’re turning into a robot.

Maybe take a look at your work load.

It could be too much…

Or you might just be focusing on things that don’t really light you up (like I was with the operational side of running a business).

It’s worth some thought…

Alright I need to wrap this up…

That was a long one.

Hope you got a nugget or two from this.

Enjoy your Sunday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.