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Every Sunday morning I like to write about 3 random things that are on my mind.

Sometimes these things are about business…

Sometimes they’re about life…

And other times they are just truly random.

So with that said…

Let’s jump into the first thing on my mind this morning.

1.  It’s hard to make another sale, when the trust is broken on the first sale

On Friday I took my Range Rover to the dealership to have them look at a scratch I have on my rims  (I ran into a curb a little too hard).

I mentioned to the lady at the dealership that I bought “wheel and rim” insurance for like $3000 when I originally purchased the car.

So I figured they’d fix it at no cost to me. 

Well that didn’t turn out to be the case…

After talking to the higher-ups, she came back and said the wheel insurance I bought doesn’t cover “cosmetic damages”.

So if I want it fixed, I’ll have to pay $290 to have it fixed.

Obviously, I was not happy about this.

Why the hell did I spend $3000 on wheel and rim insurance and now you won’t even cover the rim getting scratched? 

That didn’t sit well with me. 

However here’s what’s really interesting…

When the guy sold the insurance to me originally he specifically talked about “dinging your rims on a curb and we’ll fix it at no cost to you”.

I remember that point very clearly.

Cause I have a tendency to hit curbs…

So when he said that I was like “oh I should probably get that”. 

So I bought the insurance based on that sole reason.

Yet now they won’t pay for the rim to be fixed. 

And I’m sure they have every right based on the terms and conditions to NOT pay for it. . 

However this just feels like bad business on their part.

I feel lied to.

I feel like there’s a little bait & switch going on.

I mean I can easily afford the $290 to get it fixed.

That’s not what matters.

It’s the principle. 

They lost my trust.

And now I will never buy another add-on or upgrade from them.

Hell, I might not even get another Range Rover when I’m done with this one.

That’s how much this is rubbing me the wrong way.

But that just shows how important trust is.

Cause once that trust is broken with your customers, it’s hard to get it back.

Alright let’s jump to the 2nd thought on my mind this morning…

2.  The best marketers are constantly putting themselves in their customer’s shoes

Back in December I joined a new mastermind that’s all about investing (with a heavy emphasis on real estate investing).

And it’s been an eye-opening experience so far.


Well, because I’m a small fish in this mastermind. 

Most of the guys in the group have $20-60 million in net worth…

And they’ve done hundreds of real estate deals.

So not only do I have a lot less money than the other members…

But I’m a total newb with real estate.

And that has been highly educational for me.

Cause I get to experience exactly how new people feel when they join our Copy Accelerator mastermind.

I see how they want to be welcomed to the group…

And how they want “roadmaps” of what to do…

And how they want advice/feedback on what they should be doing…

All of this is very evident to me in this mastermind (cause it’s happening to me right now).

So it’s been highly educational.

And I’m finding ways we can improve Copy Accelerator for new members because of it.

Anyways, point being…

You should always try to put yourself in your customer’s shoes as much as possible.

Especially as you get more successful.

Cause it’s so easy to lose touch with where your customer’s “are at”. 

You want to always be thinking like them.

Cause that’s how you know what their frustrations, fears and worries are…

And that’s how you sell things that will fix their problems. 

It all starts with thinking like them.

Alright, let’s do one more of these before I wrap it up…

3.  The best investment you will ever make will be a mentor

I’m a big believer in mentoring.

If you can afford a mentor, it will bring you a higher ROI than anything else you could do with that money (yes, it’s even a better ROI than crypto moonshots)


Because when you learn from someone who’s already done what you want to do…

You don’t make a bunch of mistakes.

You don’t waste years trying to figure it out.

You just follow the “blueprint” they give you and you get results.

This is one of the reasons I joined the investing mastermind I’m in.

Sure I could read a bunch of books and figure out real estate investing on my own.

Or I could just join this group, and learn from people who know 10x more than me.

I can ask them questions…

I can get their feedback on deals…

And I can start getting an ROI a whole lot faster.

I always preach about finding a mentor.

Whether you have your own biz…

Or you’re writing copy…

It’s cause mentorship is a true shortcut to getting results. 

It simply works.

And it’s the best ROI you’re gonna find for your money.

Make sense?

I hope so.

Cause that’s all I got for ya today.

I need to wrap this up, and head out for some sun.

Enjoy your Sunday,

– Justin


Want to mastermind with me for 3 days?

I’ll be masterminding with Alen Sultanic, Chris Evans, Kevin Rogers, Kim Krause Schwalm, Marcella Allison, Allen Baler , Stefan Georgi and Jason Capital for 3 days in March.

If you want to join us, check this out


If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.