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Every Sunday morning I like to write about 3 random things that are on my mind.

Sometimes these things are about business…

Sometimes they’re about life…

And other times they’re just completely random.

So with that said…

Let’s jump into the first random thing on my mind this morning.

1.  If a customer has a killer success story, you should move mountains to get all the details so you can use that story in your marketing

Back when I was running my supplement company, a lady emailed us and said her husband had been bedridden for months but after taking our greens powder for a week, he started getting up and walking around the veterans home everyday.

Which was a miracle in her eyes.

Her hubby was basically on death’s door…

And hadn’t left his room in months…

So to see him walking around the veteran’s hall, was a huge deal.

She couldn’t believe it.

Now as a marketer, when I saw her email, I instantly saw the potential in her husband’s story.

So what did I do?

I emailed her back, and thanked her for sharing the story.  I told her we wanted to share her husband’s story to help inspire other seniors to improve their health. 

And she was all about it.

She was so thankful for our product that she hopped on the phone with me, wrote me multiple emails and even sent me updates with new pictures of her husband.

And guess what?

That ONE success story ran as an email creative for nearly two years and it brought in multiple millions of dollars in sales (I believe a different variation of it is even still running today).

Which is crazy…

But that’s the power of a GREAT success story.

And it’s why when you have one, you should move mountains to get all the details and use that story in your marketing.

Cause it works in ads…

It works in emails…

It works as the lead for your sales page…

A killer story like this can NOT be beat.

So if you have one…

I suggest doing everything you can to let it shine in your marketing.

Alright let’s jump to the second thought on my mind this morning…

2.  Your interest in your business will come and go in waves

One thing that took me a long time to understand is that you won’t always be 100% into your business.

Case in point…

When I first started Copy Accelerator, I basically lived and breathed funnels 24/7.

That’s where my mind was.

All I wanted to talk about was conversion hacks…

And how to boost AOV…

However, over the last few years, that wasn’t as appealing to me and I started having more interest in other things…

Like investing…

And building wealth…

I was much more excited to talk money with someone than I was about funnels. 

That lasted for a year or so…

And then lately my love for copy has come roaring back.

I’m not sure why it came back…

But I’ve been studying all kinds of old magalogs lately.

I’m geeking out on headlines…

And killer bullets that suck me in…

Point being…

I used to really struggle with the fact that I lost interest in certain things that were essential to my business…

But now I realize this is just normal.

Your interest in these things will always come and go.

And at different stages of your life, different things will appeal to you more.

That’s just part of being human.

So don’t beat yourself up for it…

Or feel like you have to be 100% focused on something all the time.

You’re human, and it’s normal for your interests to change.

Alright let’s do one more of these…

3.  Most people only know their customer on the first layer, but the real money comes from understanding your customer on the fourth layer

Nobody likes doing research on their customer…

And it’s why most people only understand their customers at a superficial level…

For example…

If you’re selling something to copywriters some of the main things they want are…

– higher-paying clients

– make $10k-$15k a month

– make more money without working more hours

– more control over their schedule

These things are all “first layer” wants.

And any copywriter worth their weight should be able to figure that stuff out.

But the real “gold” is when you get past the first layer.

It’s when you dig down into the 2nd, 3rd and 4th layer of what they want.

So what’s that look like?

Well if you talk to a lot of copywriters, you’ll start to see things pop up like…

“I feel like I don’t know what I’m doing”


“If I reach out to that client, they might reject me”


“Other writers are better than me, so why would they hire me?”

Do you see a theme here?

It’s a lot of doubt.

So when you dig into this…

And you get down to the 2nd, 3rd and 4th layer of what they want…

It’s not just about money, or better paying clients…

What they really want are things like…

– reassurance 

– encouragement

– someone who believes in them more than they believe in themselves

This is what they want.

And this isn’t the type of stuff that’s going to show up on a survey.

Cause most people won’t be able to verbalize it.

It’s something you have to deduce on your own…

It comes from listening…

And figuring out what they really want when you get down to the 2nd, 3rd and 4th layers.


If learning about this “fourth layer” for your buyers interests you, this is actually what my talk is going to be about at the upcoming Copy Accelerator event.

I’m gonna show you how to 2-3x your conversions by peeling back the layers of your buyer and getting to the heart of what they want. 

I think this will probably wind-up being the most profitable talk I’ve ever given (for the people that listen and implement what I teach).

So hopefully you get a ticket for the event…

I think it will be a game-changer for you.

And you can join us either in person (in Tampa) or virtually.

So feel free to check out the event details here

That’s all I got for today…

Enjoy your Sunday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.