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Every Sunday I like to talk about 3 random things that are on my mind.

Sometimes these things are about business.

Sometimes they’re about life…

And other times they’re just completely random.

With that said…

Let’s hop into the first thing on my mind this morning…

1.  Surrounding yourself with people who are smarter than you is a must

I’m in Utah right now at Mike Geary’s house for a mastermind with 12 other really smart marketers.

I’m hanging with guys like Stefan Georgi, Ed Scow, Dave Sinick, Jimmi Sparling, Ian Stanley, Craig Collins, Warren Phillips, Garret Gunderson, Jeff Siegel, Gary Nealon, AJ Yager and more…

It’s a killer group.

And one thing that is evident when I hang out in groups like this is that it pushes me to think bigger.

For example yesterday, Stefan and I had an hour long conversation with Garret Gunderson and Mike Geary’s wife (Nayri) about investing.

We all broke down what we were doing with our money.

Nayri was telling us all about the apartment buildings they invest in.  

Garret was telling me why he’s a big life insurance fan.

I already know a decent amount about investing…

But just talking with all 3 of them for over an hour, my mind was expanded in terms of all the options out there. 

This only happens when you hang out with people who are smarter than you.

And that’s why it’s so important…

Let’s jump to the second thought on my mind…

2.  It’s usually just one or two things that will move the needle for you

I spent a lot of time this weekend talking to Paul Saladino at the mastermind.

If you’re not familiar with Paul, he’s one of the big names in the carnivore niche. 

He has a popular book…

He’s been on Joe Rogan…

And he just started his business about 6 months ago so he was at the mastermind to learn more about how to grow his biz.

One thing he was struggling with was where to focus.

He has an Instagram account with 190k followers.

He has a Youtube channel.

He has a podcast.

He has an email list with 60,000 subscribers.

So I helped him break all this down and figure out where to spend his time.

And we settled on two things…

1.  Pushing people from his Instagram to his email list with an opt-in that gives away a free report about the carnivore diet

2.  Mailing his email list 7x a week instead of 1x a week 

And here’s what’s important about this…

Paul has a LOT of options.

He could put more time into content marketing.

He could write more…

He could make more videos…

But based on what HE wanted, we figured out that his email list should be the biggest priority.

He doesn’t need to do six different things to grow his business.

He needs to do one or two things…

This is something I’ve been preaching a lot over the last year.

And I’m a believer that this is where so many entrepreneurs screw up.

They simply try to do too much.

Too many traffic sources…

Too many offers…

You’re much better off putting your focus on one thing and going deep with it.

Scale it til you can’t scale it anymore.

Alright, let’s do one more here…

3.  Simply being fun to be around will help you meet the top marketers

One thing that dawned on me over the weekend at the mastermind is that if you put Justin Goff from 2008 into this room, he wouldn’t fit in.


Cause I was always angry.

I was super closed off.

I just wasn’t a lot of fun to be around.

And guess what?

That probably held me back for years.

Cause people like to do business with people they enjoy being around.

If you’re a pain in the ass to deal with…

Or if you think you’re better than everyone else…

You’re going to cause friction in these groups.

And you most likely won’t be invited back.

So again the big thing to remember here is that people want to do business with people they enjoy being around.

If you can’t fit in and hang with a group…

Then maybe you need to make a change.

Cause that’s key to doing business with the best marketers. 

So there ya have it…

That’s whats on my mind this morning.

Hope you got a nugget or two from this that you can apply to your biz.

Enjoy your Sunday.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.