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Every Sunday morning I like to write about 3 random things that are on my mind.

Sometimes these things are about business…

Sometimes they’re about life…

And other times they’re just completely random.

So with that said…

Let’s jump into the first thing on my mind this morning…

1.  The best person to sell to isn’t the person who’s concerned with price, but the person who really wants what you’re selling

The other day I spent $150 on something I’ve wanted since I was about six years old.

It was a 1989 Ken Griffey Jr. rookie card from Upper Deck (pic below).

When I was a kid, this was my absolute favorite baseball card. 

I remember ripping open packs of Upper Deck cards hoping I’d get the Griffey card.

But I never got it.

So the other day, I randomly decided to buy one.

Funny thing is, when I bought it, I didn’t give a shit about the price.

The guy who sold it to me kept hemming and hawing over whether it should be $150 or $160.

But that didn’t matter to me.

I wasn’t buying it for an investment…

Or looking to get a great deal on it.

I just wanted the damn card for nostalgia reasons.

So I was the perfect buyer…

It wasn’t about price for me…

It was about simply having the card that I wanted so bad when I was a kid. 

Which is a great lesson in selling…

Cause when you’re selling things, you don’t want to be selling to people who buy based on price.

You want to sell to the people who really want whatever it is you’re selling.

Cause if they really want it, the price won’t matter.

Alright let’s hop to the second thing on my mind this morning…

2. Numerous people have remarked to me that I seem a lot happier these days after my exit from Copy Accelerator (and I agree with them)

As much as I loved Copy Accelerator when I was a part of it, there’s a lot of heavy work that goes into running a multi-million dollar business like that.

I was constantly stressed about things like improving operations, member churn, live events and making the program better.

Which definitely weighed on me…

It was always on my mind.

I’m realizing now that I don’t actually enjoy getting bogged down in all the details of running a business.

I like being creative.

I like coming up with new ideas…

And I like writing.

So now-a-days, that’s what I’m focusing on.

And I think I’m a lot happier doing that.

My days are easier…

And I’m feeling a lot more creative.

So it’s been a good decision.

So I’d suggest thinking about what it is you really want to be doing in business.

What do you like doing?

And what will bring out the best in you?

These are important questions to ask if you want to not only make money, but you want to also enjoy your life while you make the money.

Alright let’s hop to the third thing on my mind this morning…

3.  Contrary to what you might think, everyone starts at the bottom

I’m always amazed when people think I was successful right out of the gate.

Like I somehow had magical copywriting powers…

And I was instantly making millions of dollars a year.

That certainly didn’t happen. 

The truth is I struggled for the first 5-6 years doing a mix of SEO, blogging, and affiliate marketing.

I made a ton of mistakes…

And I went down a bunch of paths that ended up being a complete waste of time.

And I was barely scraping by, making $2k a month, for a number of years. 

So I wasn’t eating fancy dinners…

Or living in a nice house…

I was living month to month and just hoping to pay my bills. 

I can tell ya from experience with watching myself and a bunch of others who “made it” that this struggle is quite normal.

Everyone starts at the bottom.

You start with nothing.

And you have to scratch and claw your way up the ladder.

It’s not easy…

But it is rewarding.

Cause if you succeed…

You get to be in control of your life.

And that’s worth it’s weight in gold.

So if you’re just starting out, or you’re going through a rough patch right now…

Just know that it’s completely normal.

I went through it…

And so did everyone else.

You just gotta keep going and not give up.

But the struggle on the way up is normal.

So keep that in mind…

Alright, I gotta head out and get my walk in.

Hope you got a nugget or two from this.

Enjoy your Sunday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.