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Every Sunday morning I like to write about 3 random things on my mind.

Sometimes these things are about business…

Sometimes they’re about life…

And other times they’re just truly random.

So with that said…

Let’s hop into the first thing on my mind this morning…

1.  The secret to getting good at any skill is consistent repetition

Earlier this week, Howard Stern had Tom Morello on his radio show (he’s the guitar player from Rage Against The Machine).

And they were talking about how Tom got so good at guitar…

Tom mentioned that he was actually a really shitty guitar player in highschool.

He wasn’t naturally talented.

Or some kind of musical genius. 

And it wasn’t until a friend of his (that was good at guitar) mentioned that the way he got good was by being diligent about practicing for one hour every single day.

Tom said he took this to heart…

And he started practicing an hour a day.

And he was vigilent about it.

Didn’t matter if he was sick…

Or if it was Christmas…

He was playing for an hour each day. 

And day-by-day he noticed he was getting better.

He was playing faster…

And things started to feel more natural.

After a few years of playing for an hour a day, Tom decided to take it up another notch.

He started to wonder if I’m getting this good with one hour of practice, what would two hours of practice do for me?

So he gave it a try.

And he noticed his results started compounding.

He was getting really good, really fast. 

Eventually he took his practice all the way up to 7-8 hours a day.

Which is insane.

But it’s also the reason he’s one of the best guitar players in the world today.

This is the blueprint for getting really good at any skill.

It’s true of playing guitar just like it is for copywriting…

Putting in consistent reps over and over is how you get good at anything.

Alright, let’s jump to the second thing on my mind this morning.

2.  I’m committed to doing 28 days straight of breathwork, cold plunges and saunas

Over the last few months I’ve started doing saunas and cold plunges a few days a week.

And I feel a lot better.

My sleep is more sound…

And my body feels better after my workouts.

So I’m gonna keep it up.

But one thing I’m gonna add in is breathwork.

I’ve never really done this before.

However yesterday I did my first Wim Hof breathwork session using one of his follow-along breathing videos.

And I really enjoyed it.

My whole body was tingling.

And I felt very relaxed. 

But my main reason for doing the breathwork is actually my crohn’s disease.

I know Wim Hof has helped a bunch of people to put their Crohn’s disease into remission (it has to do with easing inflammation)…

So that’s appealing to me.

I know I’m not gonna be able to put mine in remission in 28 days, but I’m curious to see if there’s any benefits during that time. 


I’m sure I’ll keep ya updated on how the 28-day experiement goes.

Stay tuned for that.

Alright let’s do one more of these…

3.  A lot of people want to be famous, but fame can have big downsides

Recently I was at a dinner with a guy who has 3 million followers on TikTok, and he was talking about what it’s like to be recognized everywhere he goes. 

Basically being famous is all new to him…

So he’s coming to grips with it.

And anytime he’s grocery shopping…

Or if he’s out at a bar…

There will be 10 people asking him for a picture.

Or they want to ask him something about Tik Tok…

He said his life is completely different from what it was just a few months ago.

He can’t just blend in anymore.

Now for some people this wouldn’t be a problem…

They’d love the attention.

But this guy is a big introvert (like me).

He doesn’t like talking to people.

He just wants to be left alone. 

I could tell at the dinner he was really struggling with whether all the money and fame he’s getting from Tik Tok is worth it.

Sure the money is nice…

But this isn’t really the life he wants.

So he’s in a tough spot.

In my experience, this is something that most people never think about.

Being famous sounds fun…

But the reality of it, might not be for you.

You might be a lot happier simply making money in the shadows.


Something to think about if you’re pondering being a big star on TikTok or Youtube one day. 

Alright I need to wrap this puppy up and get some food.

Hope you got a nugget or two from this.

Enjoy your Sunday.

– Justin

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