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Every Sunday I like to write about 3 random things that are on my mind.

Sometimes these things are about business…

Sometimes they’re about life…

And other times they’re just completely random.

So with that said…

Let’s dig into the first thing on my mind this morning…

1.  The best thing you can do for yourself is to get clear on what it is that YOU want

Most people want different things in life…

You might want to travel more…

Or to never have a boss…

Or to have more free time (and less stress).

Or you simply might want to make a boatload of money so you can be a billionaire.

All of these motivations are valid.

Which is why it’s smart to get clear on what it is that you really want out of life.

Cause if you’re not clear on what you want…

You’re gonna end up chasing a lot of things that you don’t want.

And you don’t want that.

Just because everyone else is motivated by “x” doesn’t mean you have to be as well.

Figure out what it is that you want…

And go after it.

Alright lets hop to the second thing on my mind this morning…

2.  Once you get a good water purifier (like an AlexaPure or Berkey) you will turn into a water snob

Back when I had my supplement company, one of the products we sold was the AlexaPure water filter.

Now up until that point, I had never really used a water purifier before.

I just drank tap water.

And frankly, I didn’t think there was anything wrong with tap water.

But as soon as I used a good water purifier, that changed.

Cause I immediately turned into a water snob.

The good ole’ tap water I used to drink was no longer good enough.

It was basically toilet water.

So be forewarned…

Yes, water filters make your water taste great…

And they remove a bunch of the crap that’s in your water (especially if you have a good one)…

But it will inevitably turn you into a water snob.

And there’s no going back.

Alright let’s do one more of these…

3.  Human beings do stupid things (including myself) that make no logical sense

For the last two years I’ve been working out at a gym called Starting Strength…

And I’ve gotten the best results of my life.

All my lifts went up…

I got a shit ton stronger…

And I’m not getting injured anymore.

However, even though I’ve had incredible results at Starting Strength, I recently paused my membership there.


Well because I was getting a little bored of it.

I’ve been doing the same 5-6 lifts for two years now…

And I was starting to dread going in for my workouts.

Now logically, I know leaving a gym like this where I was getting such good results is really stupid…

But human beings are funny…

And we do things that are not logical.

My desire for something “new and different” took precedent over my strength gains.

Which I’m sure is driving my coach crazy at the gym.

He’s probably thinking “we got him amazing results, why the hell is he leaving?”

But that goes back to people making choices that defy logic.

And we all do this.

I do it…

You do it…

And your buyers do it as well.

So something to keep in mind when it comes to your biz.

Alright, I need to wrap this up.

Hope you got a nugget or two from this.

Enjoy your Sunday,

– Justin

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