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Every Sunday morning I like to write about 3 random things that are on my mind.

Sometimes these things are about business…

Sometimes they’re about life…

And other times they’re just truly random.

So with that said…

Let’s hop into the first thing on my mind this Sunday morning.

1.  There’s usually ONE thing that is the “fuel” for your business, you need to figure out what that one thing is and focus on it

For most direct response businesses the “fuel” is a front-end offer that brings in new buyers every single day.

This is what propels everything…

And it leads to all the money made on the backend.

So if you cut off that front-end flow of new buyers, the business starts to crumble.

Funny enough the same thing is true for entirely different businesses like a college football team.

All the best college football teams (Alabama, Ohio State, Georgia etc…) know that the “fuel” for a winning team is recruiting the best highschool players to come to their school. 

This is why they put so much time, effort and money into recruiting.

Without the best players, it doesn’t matter how good your coach is, or how nice your stadium is, you aren’t winning any national championships.

The “fuel” that propels you to win national championships, is having the best players on your team. 

Point being, every business has a “fuel” that drives it.  So you’d be smart to figure out what the fuel is in your business and put more focus on it.

Let’s hop to the second thought on my mind this morning…

2. I feel like my response to everything in life lately has been “I like to keep things simple”

Why don’t you segment your email list and send different emails to different segments?  I like to keep things simple…

Why don’t you rent your guest house on Airbnb?  I like to keep things simple…

Why don’t you post videos on TikTok?  I like to keep things simple.

I’ve always been a believer in simplicity.

Cause the best results usually come from focusing on one or two things (and doing those one or two things really well).

Complexity usually isn’t worth it.

It brings more stress…

And more responsibility…

But it usually doesn’t bring an outsized ROI with it.

So I’m all about simplicity.

That may resonate with you…

Or it may not…

But simplicity is a good “theme” to keep in mind whenever you’re thinking about adding something, or doing more.

Cause you might be better off just keeping things simple. 

Let’s hop to the third thing on my mind this morning…

3. I experiemented with cutting my Instagram time down to 5 minutes a day this past week, and I noticed some big changes in how I felt

About a week ago, I noticed that I was mindlessly scrolling on Instagram and not even enjoying what I was looking at.

However that didn’t stop me from scrolling…

I just kept going.

That was a wake-up call for me that I needed to cut back on the mindless scrolling.

So I did a little experiment this week where I limited myself to just 5 minutes a day on Instagram.

I didn’t use a special app to do this…

All I did was simply remove Instagram from the homescreen of my phone.

So my conditioned response of opening my phone and clicking on IG was broken.

Now I had to search for it if I wanted to use it.

So I did that for a full week, and here’s what I found…

– the first few days I felt actual withdrawal symptoms like an addict would

– after that passed, I noticed I felt calmer and happier with myself.  I wasn’t as stressed. 

– around day 4 or 5, I realized I didn’t actually miss anything by not being on Instagram. 99% of what’s posted on there is not important anyway.

– I noticed my Instagram time was replaced by reading more stuff on Reddit (usually on /FATFire).  Obviously it would be great if I could replace the IG time with something more productive than being on Reddit, but I see it as a win cause reading things on Reddit is nowhere near as damaging as mindless scrolling on Insta is.  

– Being off Instagram actually pushed me to reach out to my friends and family more than I normally would because I wasn’t constantly “seeing” them on Instagram.

– Lastly, I didn’t feel the constant comparison to other people that I normally would.  I feel like I’m pretty good with boundaries around this, but if you’re on Instagram a lot, you start to think you’re not doing enough, and everyone else has more friends, more fun, more sex, more everything than you do.  Which is not good for your sanity.  Instagram is really just the ultimate status game.  And I definitely felt a lot better about myself not playing that game this week

So there ya go…

That’s been the results of my little IG experiment.

I’m gonna keep it going this week as I don’t really feel an urge to dive back in.

Maybe I’ll do another update for ya in 30 days if I keep it up.

We’ll see.


I need to wrap this up for today.

Hope you got a nugget or two from this.

Enjoy your Sunday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.