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Every Sunday morning I like to write about 3 random things that are on my mind.

Sometimes these things are about business…

Sometimes they’re about life…

And other times they’re just truly random.

So with that said…

Let’s jump into the first thing on my mind this morning…

1.  You don’t get entrepreneurial “bonus points” for mowing the lawn, cleaning the house or any other $20 task

Hat tip to Craig Ballantyne for this one…

It took me a long time to realize that I don’t have to be the guy shoveling snow, mowing the lawn or spending my entire Saturday doing yard work.

Now if you like doing this kind of stuff, then by all means keep doing it.

But I personally don’t enjoy it.

I’d rather swim in my pool…

Or hang with my friends on a Saturday afternoon.

But the need to do things around the house was a hard habit for me to break. 

Mostly because growing up in Sandusky, Ohio this was what everyone did.

In small towns you’re supposed to shovel your own snow…

Mow your own lawn…

Clean your own house…

It’s looked down upon if you hire someone to do that kind of stuff.


The older I’ve gotten, the more I realize how dumb this way of thinking is.

If you don’t like mowing the lawn, and you have the money to pay someone else to do it, then you should 100% pay someone else to do it.

Life is too short to do things you don’t want to do.

And you don’t get bonus points in this life for being the guy with a successful biz who ALSO mows the lawn.

Do the things YOU want to do.

Alright let’s hop to the second thought on my mind this morning…

2.  Most people only use their own reference experience to make decisions (which is why we are completely illogical about many things)

I saw a poll the other day that asked…

“Is it harder to start a business today, or 30 years ago?”

I almost didn’t even look at the results cause the answer seemed obvious to me…

But curiosity got the best of me…

So I looked…

And I was stunned at the results.

62% of the people said it’s harder to start a business TODAY than it was 30 years ago.

Which is insane.

Thirty years ago there was no such thing as an ecommerce company…

Or Shopify…

Or Stripe…

You had to have a local business.

Which cost an arm and a leg to start…

You basically could only sell to the people in your area (unless you understood mail order).

And you needed a lot of capital to get started.

But now-a-days you could get something going online for $500.

So to say it was easier 30 years ago is crazy.

It was much harder back then.

But that just proves my point that most people only use their own reference points to make decisions.

They don’t actually think things through.

They just think whatever they’re feeling…

And they believe whatever they experience is the truth.

I don’t really have a big point for this thought…

But it’s interesting…

And something you should always keep in mind when writing copy.


Let’s move on to the 3rd thing on my mind this morning.

This last one is admittedly much more somber. 

So if you’re not in the mood for that, feel free to click away.

3.  Watching someone that you love die a slow death has made me realize just how barbaric the “end of life” situation is in the U.S.

My good buddy Rob has been battling terminal cancer for the past two years, and this past week things really went down hill.

He couldn’t keep food down…

And he was wasting away to nothing…

So after a week in the hospital, he was moved back to his apartment for hospice care so he could live out his remaining days in comfort.

The whole thing has been brutal to watch…

Especially since he’s only 39.

And it’s brought up a lot of thoughts for me on just how antiquated the end of life care is here in the U.S.

The idea that we can euthanize animals and put them out of their misery, but you can’t choose to do that for yourself as a human is crazy to me.

I’d never want to be kept alive if I was basically a vegetable and had no quality of life.

I wouldn’t want it for myself…

And I certainly wouldn’t want it for the people around me.

But that’s what Rob has had to endure the last few days.

Currently he’s off all the meds he was on (except for pain meds) and he is not being given any food or an IV. 

So we’re basically waiting on the cancer, the infection or the starvation to kill him.  

Which is awful.

And it just seems crazy to me that this is the only route we allow people to take.

There’s a reason we euthanize dogs and cats who are in pain and have no quality of life.

It’s the right thing to do.

So I can’t understand why you’re not allowed to make that same choice for yourself.

It doesn’t make sense.

The way we currently do it feels barbaric.

My hope is that it will change at some point…

And people will have more control over how their lives end. 

That feels like the right thing to do.


Not trying to be a Debbie-downer on your Sunday morning…

But that’s been on my mind for days, and wanted to share it.

It’s been a rough few days for me.

Im going to get outside, get some sun and go for a walk here.

Enjoy your Sunday.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.