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Every Sunday morning I like to write about 3 random things that are on my mind.

Sometimes these things are about business…

Sometimes they’re about life…

And other times they are just truly random.

So with that said…

Let’s jump into the first thing on my mind this morning…

1.  I’ve been trying to “prune” unnecessary people from my social media (and it’s making a big difference)

Last summer I looked at the time I was spending each day on Instagram and it shocked me.

I was mindlessly scrolling…

And watching videos that I didn’t even care about.

At the time, I was following 1000+ accounts on there…

So I decided to prune that down.

I unfollowed nearly 500 accounts.

And I immediately noticed I was spending less time on Instagram.

So yesterday while I was laying on the couch and recovering from our event last week, I decided to do the same.

I pruned it down from 500 people to 350 people.

Which was a lot harder.

I had to cut out a bunch of accounts of people I was good friends with in high school or college.

But most of those people, I havent talked to in 5+ years, so it’s not like we’re close friends today.


This is something I highly suggest you do.

Especially if you find yourself mindlessly scrolling on IG (or other social media) for hours on end.

Prune down the accounts you follow that aren’t necessary.

Your sanity will thank you.

Alright, let’s do another one of these…

2.  If you have “rules” for yourself that work, make sure you’re following those rules

One of my rules for investing is that I always try to invest money where it will get the best ROI.

For example…

Last summer, I invested about $35,000 in paying affiliates to promote a free report I wrote.

Well that $35,000 wound up bringing me in 4000+ new people to my email list.

Why does this matter?

Because many of those people who joined my list have wound-up buying things from me like…

– The 8-week copywriting mentorship

– a ticket to a Copy Accelerator event

– becoming a member of the Copy Accelerator coaching program

I don’t have the exact ROI on this right now…

But last I looked, it had like a 2.5x ROI at the end of 2021.

By now, it’s probably at least 3x or 4x.

So investing that $35,000 into new leads for my business was a great investment.

Far better than I would have got in stocks…

Or real estate…

Point being, your best investment is almost always going to be in something that significantly increases your income.

Alright, I’m gonna do one more of these and then we’ll wrap this up.

3.  Being an entrepreneur (or a freelancer) is NOT a game you want to play by yourself

One thing that really stood out to me at our event last week was how everyone was thriving because of the community they’re in.

Which is a stark contrast to how I did things when I was starting out.

I got into affiliate marketing around 2004 or so…

And back then there weren’t really masterminds, coaching groups or even free Facebook groups to help you out (I dont think Facebook even existed yet).

So it was a lot harder to figure things out.

You were basically on your own.

And you had to learn through trial and error. 

Which was a pain-in-the-ass.

And it’s why it took me so long to hit 6-figures.

But that’s all different now.

Now-a-days, you can get legit mentoring from a copywriter or a business owner who’s doing exactly what you want to do.

You can get into groups where everyone supports you, and helps you avoid the mistakes they made.

It’s pretty amazing when you think about it.

The path to hitting 6 or 7 figures is a LOT shorter today than it was when I started.

And that really shows the power of getting mentor…

Or being a part of a mentoring group.

This is not something you want to do alone.

Whether you’re growing a business…

Or trying to get better as a copywriter…

Someone out there can help you.

And they can significantly shortcut the time it takes to achieve whatever it is you want. 

So my advice?

Get someone in your corner who believes in you.

Someone who’s ahead of where you’re at.

And let them show you what to do.

You’ll save a lot of time and frustrations if you simply don’t try to go at this alone.

Alright, I need to wrap this up and head out for a walk.

Hope you got a nugget or two from this…

Enjoy your Sunday,

– Justin 


Note: If you like the insights I share in my emails, you may be interested in working with me in my mentoring program.

You’ll get to learn from me, Stefan Georgi and a group of A-list copywriters every single day.

We’ve already helped copywriters like Amber Peoples, Tanner Henkel, Mario Castelli, Scott Connorton, Michael Rochin, Scott Mills, Krista Edsall and more to scale to multiple 6-figures a year.

We’ve also helped offer owners like Troy Ericson, Steve Gunn, VShred, Scott Phillips, Conor Boyland and more to scale their offers to hundreds (and even thousands) of sales a day.

If you want to see what all the hooplah is about, I suggest giving this a read and seeing if it’s for you…

-> Mentor under Justin & Stefan


If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.