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Every Sunday morning I like to write about 3 random things that are on my mind.

Sometimes these things are about business…

Sometimes they’re about life…

And other times they’re just truly random.

So with that said…

Let’s jump into the first thing on my mind this morning.

1.  The inability to do the “extra work” to make yourself stand out is a major problem today

Yesterday I posted on Instagram that I was looking for 1-2 helpers for my upcoming mastermind.

Basically I need people to help me setup the room, hand out name tags etc…

I normally would just pay my assistant to do this…

But I figured there’s gotta be some hungry, ambitious people out there who’d see the value in being able to attend the mastermind for free, spending time with me, and networking with the other attendees in exchange for helping out…

So I made a post on Instagram saying I was looking for helpers…

And I asked people to DM me if they were interested.

Now here’s what’s interesting…

I had around 15 people reply to this…

And most of the DM’s were nothing more than the person messaging me saying “interested”.

They didn’t try to sell me on why they would be the best person to pick…

Or how they would work their ass off to make my life easier at the mastermind…

Those DM’s were few and far between.

Most people just did the bare minimum.

And as a result, those people did NOT stand out.

And I probably won’t pick them.

I’ll pick one of the people who put in the extra effort to show me why they’d be a great fit for helping at the mastermind.

Which is a great lesson to learn…

The large majority of people will only do the bare minimum.

They won’t do the extra work needed to stand out.

So if you’re someone who is willing to put in the “extra work” to stand out…

You’ll be miles ahead of your competitors.

Alright let’s hop to the second thought on my mind this morning…

2.  If you live in the United States (and you’re a high earner) you will probably see a 70% tax rate in the next 10-15 years

I actually don’t think this is a bold prediction.

It’s simply math.

The United States is currently $31 trillion in debt…

We continue to spend money like a drunken sailor…

What we owe to future generations in terms of Social Security and Medicare is only going to increase (especially as the population numbers continue to change)…

And there’s only two ways to remedy this…

– You can cut some of the money people receive from Social Security and Medicare

– You can raise taxes so we can afford to keep paying out Social Security and Medicare

Those are the two options…

And if the decision comes down to cutting your grandma’s social security checks or raising taxes on high earners, they’re gonna raise taxes on high earners. 

It’s pretty simple.

Cutting grandma’s social security check is political suicide.

If you voted “yes” on that, you’d never get elected again.

But significantly raising taxes on high-earners, 80% of people would agree with that.

So that’s the less painful option.

And it’s what they’ll do.

I have no idea when this will happen.

Might be five years from now…

Might be fifteen years from now…

But it’s going to happen at some point (no matter which party is in charge)…

Cause the math just doesn’t add up.

So one way or another, your taxes are going to go up a LOT (especially if you’re a high earner).

Alright let’s hop to the third thing on my mind this morning…

3.  Most of my success has NOT come from original ideas, it’s come from studying what’s working for other people and then modeling it for myself

I’m a big fan of watching what’s working for other people in terms of copy, emails and offers… and then modeling that with my own stuff.

I did that with Patriot Power Greens back in the day…

I did it with Copy Accelerator…

Most of my big wins were NOT original ideas.

They were simply me observing what works for other people and then I did my own version of it.


Recently I did discover something that was an actual original idea of mine.

I’ve been telling you about it for the last two days.

It’s something I call the The 1-Day Cash Machine. 

I didn’t learn this from someone else…

I  simply wanted to find an easy way to make money from my list without needing a 30-page sales letter to sell something.

So I came up with a simple idea…

I’ll host a live training on Zoom on a topic that I know my list wants to learn about, and I’ll have people pay me to be on that training.

That was the entire premise.

I had no idea if it would work.

Or if it would be a complete bomb. 

But guess what?

It worked like crazy.

The first time I ran the 1-Day Cash Machine to my list back in October, I made $54,766.

And the second time I ran it in January, I made $89,832.

And when you compare those numbers to other things I’ve promoted to my list, these are the two highest selling things I’ve ever had. 

So it works like crazy…

And it’s easy as pie to run…


That’s a little teaser for you for tomorrow…

Cause tomorrow I’m officially announcing a training I’m holding that will show you how to run a 1-Day Cash Machine yourself (either to your own list, or for a client’s list if you’re a copywriter).

This will be right up your alley if you’re a copywriter, a coach, a consultant, an expert, a guru or a list owner.

So if you’re interested in making a bunch of moolah from your list without having to create a huge course, or write a 30-page sales letter to sell it…

Then this is for you. 

Keep your eyes peeled for an email from me tomorrow morning.

Enjoy your Sunday…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.