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Every Sunday morning I like to write about 3 random things that are on my mind.

Sometimes these things are about business…

Sometimes they’re about life…

And other times they’re just completely random.

So with that said…

Let’s dive into the first thing on my mind this morning.

1.  I still can’t believe someone hasn’t invented a better way to get a colonoscopy (there’s a big opportunity here)

A few weeks ago my doctor told me I needed to schedule a colonoscopy since I haven’t had one in ten years.

Which immediately filled me with dread.

Colonoscopies are like mid-evil torture.

You gotta take a bunch of laxatives and crap out everything that’s inside of you for two days.

And then you get sedated while they shove a huge rod up your butt for 30 minutes.

It’s not the most pleasant procedure. 

Which is why the entrepreneur in me couldn’t help but wonder “how has no one invented a better way to see inside someone’s colon?”

I know eventually someone will…

Whether that’s 25 years from now…

Or 500 years from now…

But man, this just seems like a procedure that is begging for someone to come along and figure out a less painful way to do this.

Cause if you could make it easier…

And less painful to do…

You would end up wealthy beyond your wildest dreams. 


Whoever figures this out is gonna make a lot of dough (and save a lot of people from the horror of having a colonoscopy).

Alright let’s jump to the 2nd thing on my mind…

2.  People don’t understand how hard it is to put together a speaking lineup for an event

My biz partner (Stefan Georgi) and I are putting our speakers together right now for our Copy Accelerator event in early September.

And it’s always interesting how much thought has to go into the speakers…

For example here’s some of the questions we ask…

– will this person actually be able to sell tickets (are they a draw? or are they just able to share good info? Ideally they are a draw as well)

– will they add to the event? (i.e. people are excited to meet them at the event)

– are they a good speaker? (some people have amazing stuff to share, but they suck at speaking)

– will they put actual effort into their presentation or will they just mail it in? (seen this happen before)

– do we have a good mix of men, women, multiple ethnicities, older/younger etc… (this is really hard to balance since 90% of this industry is white men, but we try to have a good mix)

– are they a good fit for OUR crowd? (for example there’s lots of female entrepreneurs that crush in the coaching space, but the coaching space isn’t really our crowd so we tend to have more women from the copywriting world speak at our events)

– do they get along with me, Stefan and everyone else speaking at our event (you’d be shocked at the number of little cat fights that have gone on that prevent people from speaking at certain events)

– can they travel right now with COVID going on? (this has eased up a bit, but still a ton of travel issues with speakers who are vulnerable to COVID, and also from non-US people who need to travel to the states)

– do they have something NEW to share? (I try to avoid having someone come and give the same talk they’ve given at 3 other events.  I want something new)

– can we actually get them to come speak? (there’s a lot of people I’d love to have speak at our event, who simply won’t cause they either don’t travel or they don’t speak at events)

– do they have other stuff going on at the same time? (huge issue with entrepreneurs since they have pretty packed schedules.  Many would love to come speak, but they just can;t make the dates work)

– can they speak on a hot topic that our members want to hear (i.e. Tik Tok ads are hot right now, so this would be a great topic to have someone talk on)

I could go on and on with this…

But you get the point.

There’s so much that goes into getting the right speakers at events.

I have no idea if you care about that or not…

But just thought it was an interesting peek behind the curtain at what goes into a speaking line-up at an event.

Alright, let’s do one more of these…

3.  Out of all the “Sunday morning thoughts” emails I’ve sent over the years, the one where I said you should buy 10 pairs of the same underwear is the one people talk to me about the most

I think I sent this email back in 2020…

Basically I used to have a bunch of different types of underwear.

Some of the pairs I liked…

Some I hated (cause they were uncomfortable)…

But I never actually sought out to have a closet full of underwear that I actually enjoyed wearing.

Most of my underwear were usually Christmas gifts from my parents, ex-girlfriends etc…

So I just wound up wearing them (whether they were comfortable or not).

But one day something “clicked” for me.

And I realized…

Why don’t I just find a pair of underwear I actually like and buy a bunch of them?

This way I’m comfortable everyday.

Well that’s exactly what I ended up doing (and still do).

Right now I have about 6 pairs of boxer-briefs from Lululemon and 5 pairs from Tommy John.

Both of them fit great.

They’re comfortable…

And I can wear them no matter what I’m doing (work, gym, relaxing etc…)

So that’s what I did…

I threw out all the uncomfortable underwear that I had acquired over the years…

And only kept the 10 pairs that I really like. 

I feel like out of all my contributions to the marketing and copywriting world, this one might trump them all.

I can already see it on my tombstone…

“Helped hundreds of people to stop wearing uncomfortable underwear and find 10 pairs that they truly loved” 


I still get emails to this day about the underwear thing…

So thought I’d share it again.

If you’re still living in purgatory in underwear that doesn’t fit quite right…

Do yourself a favor and find a pair you really like…

And buy 10 pairs of it.

You’re day-to-day life will be a lot more enjoyable because of it.

Alright I need to wrap this up…

And head to the gym.

Hope you got a nugget or two from this.

Enjoy your Sunday,

– Justin 


Note: My buddy Ian Stanley is closing down the cart page for  his “Million Dollar Google Docs” course tomorrow.

This course basically shows you how to create a 4-page Google Doc that can make just as many sales as a traditional 60-page salesletter.  It’s a pretty amazing shortcut that is working for everything from low-ticket offers to $10,000 offers. 

The course is only $97 til tomorrow, so give it a look if you’re interested in learning how to write these million dollar Google docs here.


If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.