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Every Sunday morning I like to write about 3 random things on my mind.

Sometimes these things are about business…

Sometimes they’re about life…

And other times they’re just truly random.

So with that said…

Let’s hop into the first thing on my mind this Sunday morning.

1.  It’s the things in copy that you DON’T get right, that kill the sale

In copy there’s probably a dozen things that really matter.

Things like grabbing the reader right away…

Tickling their curiosity…

Having a big idea they can get excited about…

Having lots of proof…

All of this stuff matters.

But what probably matters the most is the things you don’t get right.

I’ll use a dating analogy to illustrate this for you.

Let’s say you’re a 30 year-old guy…

You’re out on a date and it’s going well.

She’s digging your confidence…

Your charm…

And all the ambition you have in life. 

So as of now she’s into you…

And you’re checking all her boxes…

However, when she walks into your apartment that’s when things start to go south.


Cause you have a mattress lying on the floor…

“What the hell, he doesnt even have a bed frame?” she thinks to herself.

Now, this isn’t a total deal breaker for her…

But it has her rethinking things…

So you guys keep talking…

Things are going well…

And then she gets up to go use the bathroom.

She opens the bathroom door and immediately notices the multiple pee stains and strands of hair all over the toilet.

“Ewwwww” she thinks in her head.

It looks like a frathouse…

Her attraction for you is diminishing by the second.

But just a few hours ago this wasn’t the case.

Before getting to your apartment, you were basically “checking all her boxes”.

And she was into you…

But then things fell apart.


Cause it’s the things you DID NOT do that made everything crumble. 

No woman is going to sleep with you simply because you have a clean apartment and a bed frame…

But they certainly will NOT sleep with you if you DON’T have those things.

And guess what?

This is very similar to what happens in copy…

You can get a lot of stuff in copy right – the big idea, the lead, the close etc…

But if you fumble just a few of those, the copy won’t work. 

Just like with the dating analogy, you want to “check as many boxes as possible” as you can in copy.

Things like…

The big idea…

The lead…


Handling objections…

Remember it’s the things you DON’T get right that will kill the sale.

So shoot for checking as many of the boxes as possible.

Make sense?

Alright, let’s hop to my 2nd thought this morning…

2.  Building real wealth isn’t just about making money

I’ve been reading a bunch of old Gary Halbert ads lately which has me thinking about why some marketers don’t build real wealth.

If you’re not familiar with Gary’s story, he was a brilliant marketer…

And from what I’ve read, he made hundreds of millions of dollars in his lifetime.

Yet he went through a ton of ups-and-downs financially. 

He was in jail for a period of time…

He went from being rich to losing it all…

So he was all over the place.

Which is quite common among people in our industry.

I know people who had HUGE offers, pulling in tens of millions of dollars a year…

And now they’re broke…

Or they’re back working at a gym…

It’s crazy to see.

But there’s an important lesson in there.

Making money is just the first step…

After that, it’s all about keeping that money…

And growing that money.

You can’t get one part right.

You need all three to build real wealth.

So that means being able to make, keep and grow your money.

Alright let’s do one more here before we wrap up for the morning.

3.  Hanging out with non-entrepreneurs is one of the smartest things you can do as an entrepreneur

As much as I love the city of Austin, one thing I’ve noticed is that nearly all my friends here are entrepreneurs.

Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing…

However it does put you in a bubble.

Cause entrepreneurs are not like most people.

We’re risk takers…

We tend to be contrarians…

We love betting on ourselves…

This is not how most “normal” people operate.

And if you’re only spending time with other entrepreneurs, your view of human nature starts to become warped.

You forget that most people go to a real job every morning.

You forget that most people are hoping for a 5% raise…

Or that their biggest frustration is a moron boss that won’t listen to them. 

This is all stuff that “normal” people experience on a day-to-day basis.

So if you only hang out with other entrepreneurs…

You won’t be around people like this.

And you’ll have a pretty warped view of what “normal” life is like.

So my advice?

Spend more time with regular Joe’s…

Your friend that works at a bar…

Or the one that cuts hair…

Or the guy who stocks the shelves at Target…

If you do this, you won’t be in so much of a bubble.

And you’ll get insights you’d never get hanging out with a bunch of entrepreneurs.

Make sense?

I hope so.

Cause that’s all I got for ya this morning.

Hope you got a nugget or two from this.

Enjoy your Sunday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.