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Every Sunday morning I like to write about 3 random things that are on my mind.

Sometimes these things are about business…

Sometimes they’re about life…

And other times they’re just completely random.

So with that said…

Let’s jump into the first thing on my mind.

1.  We’re in a phase where people think everything is either the best thing ever or the worst thing ever

Here’s a few things I’ve heard over the last 10 years…

“Obama is the worst President we’ve ever had”

“Trump is the worst President in the history of the country”

“Joe Biden is the worst President in American history”

I’ve probably heard or read this hundreds of times.

What’s funny is that 99% of the time when a person says this, they have no grounds to make the statement.


Cause if I asked them to name all 46 Presidents, they wouldn’t be able to do it.

So how would they know who’s best?

They don’t even know who the other presidents are, let alone their policy decisions and how those policies played out.

So there’s no actual thought going into this.

And really it’s just a symptom of the “attention culture” were in right now.

Everything is either the greatest thing ever, or the worst thing ever.

There’s no inbetween.

No nuance.

I’m hoping we can get away from this at some point…

But considering everything is driven by attention these days, I can’t imagine that will happen anytime soon.

Let’s hop to the second thing on my mind this morning.

2.  The big crypto fallout this week is a good reminder why you shouldn’t have all your eggs in one basket

Earlier this week, FTX (a major crypto exchange) went under and filed for bankruptcy.

As a result crypto plummeted…

Bitcoin went from $20,000 down to $15,750…

Ethereum went from $1560 to $1091…

All in all, a terrible week for crypto.

But also a big learning lesson for anyone who invests.

I learned a long time ago that you don’t want to have all your eggs in one basket.

You don’t want to rely on just ONE stock…

One coin…

One industry…

It’s just dumb.

That’s how you wind-up broke.

You want diversity.

So for me I’ve done a lot of work to get some diversity in my investments over the last year. 

So for me that looks like this…

– 55% of my money in index funds

– 10% in crypto

– 25% in real estate

– 10% in cash (which will be invested soon)

That’s a good mix for me.

It’s mostly stable, proven investments (like index funds and real estate).

And a little speculative stuff with crypto…

But the big thing is that there’s diversity.

I’m not reliant on one thing.

And that’s what you want.

Relying on one thing can be a death sentence for your finances. 

Alright let’s jump to the last thing on my mind this morning…

3.  The emergence of influencers trying to post everyday on IG and TikTok shows just how hard it is to consistently put out good content

Nearly every friend I have is following the Grant Cardone and Alex Hormozi playbook and posting content everyday on IG and TikTok.

And one thing continues to stand out to me as I watch their videos…

Posting GOOD content everyday is hard.

I mean pretty much anyone can post everyday…

But putting out GOOD content each day is tough.

And when I say GOOD content, I’m talking about content that’s funny…

Or engaging…

Or it tells an incredible story…

That is NOT easy to do.

And I’m seeing this with a lot of people who simply film 30 or 60 videos in a day and then post them over the course of a month. 

There’s not a ton of thought that goes into the videos…

They’re just putting out “meh” content…

And it’s really just posting for postings sake.

So what’s really the long term impact of that?

I don’t know.

But I can’t imagine it’s the best use of their time.

Seems to me you’d be better off putting more thought into the videos…

Or simply not making videos and putting your focus elsewhere.

I don’t know…

I could be totally wrong on this…

But if you’re making a lot of content for your IG/TIk Tok, I think it’s something to think about.

Am I putting out GREAT content?

Or am I just posting for postings sake?

Give it some thought.

Alright I need to wrap this baby up and make some breakfast.

Hope you got a nugget or two from this.

Enjoy your Sunday,

– Justin

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