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Every Sunday I like to write about 3 random things that are on my mind.

Sometimes these things are about business…

Sometimes they’re about money…

And sometimes they’re just completely random.

So with that said…

Let’s dive into the first thing on my mind this morning…

1.  One of the best things you can do for your money mindset is to over-tip

This is a lesson I learned from Dan Kennedy many years ago.

Dan has a theory that all rich people do two things routinely…

They save money…

And they donate money…

And his theory was that the donating of the money changes something in the way you think about money.

It makes you more comfortable with it.

So you’re not so tight and not trying to clinch onto every penny you have.

And in my experience this rings true.

So one of the things I do (along with donating money) is to over-tip in everyday situations.

So last week when I got my beard trimmed,  instead of giving the guy a $5 tip, I gave him $20.

To me that’s an over-tip.

I did the same thing when I picked up some ribeyes yesterday from the butcher shop.

I can’t imagine most people tip their butcher, so I gave him $10 for getting those ready for me.

I try to do this daily if possible.

And like Dan Kennedy, I believe it really does change something in the way you think about money.

And you can do this no matter how much money you make.

You can simply tip people $1 more than you normally would.

Just make sure you do it consistently.

That’s the key.

Alright, let’s hop to the second thing on my mind this morning…

2.   Yesterday I spent almost my entire day on my couch watching college football…

I started with the Ohio State/Maryland game at noon…

Then I watched Iowa/Penn State at 3:30…

And then I finished the night watching Alabama/Texas A&M…

This was like 10 straight hours of watching football.

And I loved every minute of it.

Which might sound crazy…

But here’s the thing…

I’m actually proud of the fact that I did this.


Cause I used to not be able to simply enjoy something I liked if it didn’t involve work.

I would feel too guilty about not working…

And not being productive…

So being able to get to a place where I can be lazy and watch football all day is a big win for me.

It’s a good reminder that not everything in your life has to be productive.

Sometimes you should just do things because you enjoy it.

Alright lets do one more of these…

3.  A few weeks ago I posted on Twitter that 2021 is the first year that the income from my investments will eclipse the income from my business.

Which is crazy to me.

Cause my business is doing well…

But this is happening mostly because I decided to take a little more risk over the last year with about 15% of my investments.

85% of my investments are still in boring, ole’ index funds…

But about 15% is now in what I would call an “asymmetric investment”.

An asymmetric investment is when there is a LOT of upside on an investment.

So if the investment wins, it can win BIG.

For example, one of my asymmetric investments, I put $20,000 in and it’s at $139,000 in just a few months.

That’s a huge return.

But that’s the power of having a small portion of a portfolio in asymmetric investments. 

Now if that piques your interest at all…

I suggest you get a ticket to Ian Stanley’s “Almost Passive Income” event that’s happening in a few weeks (you can attend in person or virtually).

On Day 2 of the event,  I’ll be speaking – and I’m going to break down my entire investing strategy…

I’ll show you this 85/15 strategy I have and how I setup my asymmetric investments…

I’ll also show you how I invest money into my own business – and how a recent investment got me a 3x return in less than 60 days. 

So if learning what I do with my money tickles your fancy…

I suggest grabbing a ticket to Ian’s event.

Tickets are only $300, so it’s quite a steal.

And if you can make it in person to the event in Boise, I suggest you do that option (and come say hello to me).

You can get all the details on the event and snag your tickets here.

Alright I’m gonna wrap this up…

Hope you got a nugget or two from this.

Enjoy your Sunday.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.