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Every Sunday morning I like to write about 3 random things that are on my mind.

Sometimes these things are about business…

Sometimes they’re about life…

And other times they’re truly random.

So with that said…

Let’s jump into the first thing on my mind this morning.

1.  The more you try to ignore money, the less of it you’ll have

I have a friend back in Ohio who absolutely refuses to talk about money.

He won’t talk about it to his spouse…

He won’t talk about spending…

He won’t talk about investing…

He’s just completely walled himself off to talking about it.


I’m sure there’s a lot of reasons.

He grew up in a pretty religious family where “money and sex” were things you shouldn’t talk about.

He also knows very little about money…

So refusing to talk about it is simply a way for him to not have to feel so exposed it.

However, refusing to talk about something as important as money is usually a recipe for disaster.

I got a lot of emails this week while I was writing the “money emails” with people echoing a similar sentiment as my buddy…

They said things like “I just don’t worry about money.”

Or “I let my wife handle money stuff”.

Which set off some red flags in my eyes…

Ignoring something as important as money is not really an effective strategy.

That’d be like saying you’re gonna ignore your relationship, and hope it turns out ok.

See how that works out.

Same thing goes for money.

You don’t have to be a money genius…

But money is a REAL thing that’s necessary for living in our world.

So refusing to talk about it…

Or refusing to learn anything about it…

Is a big, big mistake.

Alright let’s jump to the next thought on my mind this morning…

2.  Next weekend, the Formula One race is in Austin and I’m considering going.

I’ve never been to a race before…

Nor do I have any interest in racing (F1 or Nascar)…

However,  Im always up for trying new things.

So I’m looking for some opinions…

If you’ve been to an F1 race before, feel free to shoot me a reply to this and let me know if it’s worth it to go.

Alright let’s do one more of these…

3.   Yesterday I was at a birthday party with about 30 people at it (most of whom were entrepreneurs).

One thing that stood out to me…

Almost everyone had plans that day that did NOT involve their business.

They were going to dinner w/friends…

They were going to a music festival…

Contrary to what you see on Instagram they don’t hustle 24/7.

Which I think is important to point out.

And it’s something I’ve really taken to heart these past two years.

You need days off.

You need to be social.

And you need to have a life outside your business.

If your business is the only thing in your life, you’re gonna crash and burn.

That’s a fact.

So make sure you’re making time for yourself…

And making time to simply have FUN.

Not everything has to have an ROI.

You can simply do things because you enjoy them.

Make sense?

I hope so.

Cause that’s all I got for today.

Enjoy your Sunday,

–  Justin


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