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Every Sunday I like to write about 3 random things that are on my mind.

Sometimes these things are about business…

Sometimes they’re about life…

And other times they’re just trruly random.

So with that said…

Let’s jump into the first thing on my mind this morning…

1.  “It’s unrealistic to want a creative life with lots of freedom without any downside to it”

This is a line I heard on a podcast recently from Chuck Klosterman and it reeally hit home with me.

He was talking about the “torture” of being a writer.

And how it’s a slog to sit down every single day and come up with ideas and write.

And one of the things Chuck realized was that this is just part of doing something creative.

“It can’t all be good, there has to be a downside to it” he said.

Which is so true.

Everything has downsides.

The good part of doing something creative (writer, podcaster, entrepreneur) is the freedom you have.

It’s the ability to do your own thing.

But the downside can be the self doubt…

It can be the grind of coming up with new ideas…

It can be the loneliness of always being on your own…

These are all realities of creative work.

And like Chuck said, I think it’s good to acknowledge that they just come with the terrritory.

You’re not doing something wrong if you experience this.  

It’s just part of the gig.

Alright let’s jump into the second thought on my mind this morning…

2. I’m realizing that natural sunlight in my work space is a must-have

I’ve been working at various coffee shops for the last few weeks (moreso than usual)…

And one thing keeps sticking out…

I keep going to the ones that have the most natural light.


I just feel better there.

Whenever I have a good amount of natural light, I’m in a better mood.

I’m more focused…

I have more energy…

If I’m in a dark and moody kind of coffee shop,  I just can’t handle it.

It sucks the life out of me.

And I wind-up going somewhere else.

I have no idea if I’m just extra sensitive to light/dark, but I’m noticing this is a real thing that affects my productivity. 

Alright let’s do one more of these…

3.  Men are motivated by status more than anything else…

Seeing everyone in Austin this week for the F1 races has reinforced my belief that men are motivated by status more than anything.

It’s our key driver.


Cause either conciously or unconciously we know that the more status we have, the better our lives will be.

And you see this in every community from F1 to yoga.

In the F1 community, the top guys get all the attention.  They have all the power.  They’re flocked by beautiful women everywhere they go.

Other guys see this and want the same.

Same thing happens in communities (like yoga) where you wouldn’t think this would happen.

The top yoga guy might have a huge following on Instagram.   He’s traveling the world with beautiful women, and hanging out on beaches showing off his six pack.  He’s living a life that most guys would give an arm for. 

As simple as men are, we are very aware of our standing in regards to status.

We’re always sizing other guys up and seeing where we are in relation to them.

And it’s why I’m convinced that selling anything that increases status for a guy is smart.

This applies whether it’s a new shirt, an investment, a club membership or an iPhone.

If you can increase a guy’s status, he’ll pay good money for it.

Make sense?

I hope so.

Cause that’s all I got for ya this morning.

Enjoy your Sunday.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.