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Every Sunday I like to write about 3 random things that are on my mind.

Sometimes these things are about business…

Sometimes they’re about life…

And other times they’re just truly random.

So with that said…

Let’s jump into the first thing on my mind this morning.

1.  A large amount of our problems today come from the fact that most homes are missing strong fathers

Over the last few years, I’ve been really interested in the topic of masculinity and fatherhood.

A book called Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters really opened my eyes to the effect a good dad has on a girl…

A book I’m reading now called “The Boy Crisis” is a sobering look at how boys today are falling behind in pretty much every category (and nobody seems to care). 

One of the main reasons all this is happening is a lack of a strong father figure.

Sometimes this is because dad is always at work…

Other times it’s because the dad is simply weak and mom makes all the rules…

And other times it’s because the dad is not present at all (i.e. bad custody arrangement, jail, deadbeat dad etc…)

Whatever the reason, it’s having massive effects on kids today.

I think this “absent dad” phenomenon is why we’ve seen a rise in “father figures” online with guys like Jordan Peterson, David Goggins and Joe Rogan. 

They’re trying to teach young men the things their dad’s should have taught them.

I’m not sure if I have some big point to tie all this together…

But it’s an intriguing topic.  And the more I read on it, the more I realize how crucial it is for kids to have a strong male role model in their life.

Let’s jump to the second thing on my mind…

2.  You have to stick to your own guns, no matter how much other people try to pull you in a certain direction

Since selling Copy Accelerator, one thing has come up for me over and over again for me…

And that’s people trying to push me back into starting another business.

I’ve had this conversation at least 10-15 times already.

Either someone is pushing me to jump back in and start a new business…

Or they’re asking if I want to be a part of their business.

My answer to all of this is “No, I’m taking time off and enjoying life for now”

Which perplexes a lot of people.

They just can’t understand it.

They don’t get why I’m not raring up to build another company.

But for me it’s pretty simple…

I worked my ass off from the age of 21 to 38.

I built four multi-million dollar companies.

I sold two of those companies.

So I’ve amassed enough money to not have to work again.

Which is why my plan is to simply take it easy and enjoy life for now.

I’m still creating courses…

And I’ll do a few mentorships…

But like I said, I’m scaling back and just kind of “coasting” for now.

And a lot of people can’t wrap their heads around this.

I believe this says more about them than anything…

However, this is why it’s important to know what you want and to stick to it. 

Cause people will ALWAYS try to pull you in a different direction.

And it’s up to you to stay on your path.

Alright let’s do one more of these and then wrap this up for the day…

3.  In the span of 2 days, I had 3 different people talk to me about Joe Dispenza’s meditations, so I feel like this is a sign that I need to dive into them

Last week I had a weird occurrence happen…

I was hitting the sauna at the Ocean Lab and chatted with my buddy Eric, who had just gotten back from Joe Dispenza’s 7-day retreat in Cancun.

He told me how the retreat was life changing…

And how he was now all-in on Joe’s meditations.

A few days after this I got a message on Facebook from Keisha Smith (a copywriter) saying I should check out Joe’s meditations for my Crohn’s disease.

And then directly after that, my buddy Ryan Moran texted me because he was at the Joe Dispenza retreat and said I came up in one of his meditations.  

Pretty crazy, right?

I wasn’t seeking this out…

And I don’t know a whole lot about Joe Dispenza…

But he came up 3 times in the span of a few days for me.

So that felt like a sign to me.

So here’s my question for you…

I’m not that familiar with Joe Dispenza.

But if you are familiar with him, I’m curious where you think I should start?

Do I read his book?

Go to his retreat?

Buy his meditations?

Basically I want to know where the best place to start is. 

So if you have any insight, I’d love to hear from ya (just reply to this email and let me know).

Alright, I need to wrap this up and head to the gym.

Hope you got a nugget or two from this.

Enjoy your Sunday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.