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I do a lot of shit wrong in my life.

Stuff that most millionaires probably don’t do.

Yet, I’m still pretty successful.

For example…

I check my email way too often

I couldn’t tell you how many times a day I check email, but it’s probably at least 10.

Which is too much.

I usually check it around 9 AM or so after Im donee writing this email every morning.

And then many more times throughout the day.

I know some people who only check email once a day.

Or every two days…

That is fascinating to me.

And I wish I could do that.

I know I waste too much time on email, but it’s one of those dumb things I continue to do.

Let’s jump to the second dumb thing I do…

I browse Instagram and Twitter first thing in the morning

I’m not the type who’s “up and at em” in the morning.

I like to take my time…

And slowly wake up.

Usually this means scrolling through Twitter and seeing what’s going on with Bitcoin.

Or looking at my friends stories on Instagram.

Is this a waste of time? 


But I like doing it.

And it gives me something to do as I slowly wake up and get out of bed. 

Alright, last one…

I don’t wake up early

Back in 2019 I did the whole get up at 6 AM and be uber-productive thing.

And truthfully I enjoyed it.

My mornings were quiet…

And I started to love the serene nature of the early morning. 

However, eventually the 6 AM wake-up time caught up with me in regards to my social life. 

If I was going out with friends on a Friday night…

Or I had a date…

I’d be dead tired by 9 o’clock.

I tried to push through this…

But eventually it was too hard on my body.

I felt exhausted.

So I just gave up on the 6 AM wake up time.

It simply wasn’t compatible with my social life.

And that wasn’t something I was willing to give up.

Now-a-days I get up around 8 AM.

And that works well for me.

So there ya go…

There’s a few things I do that most successful people do not do.

The big thing to remember here is that you can do a lot of stuff wrong and still be successful.

I do it…

You do it…

The secret is that as long as you get a few of the big needle movers right, you can screw up on other stuff and it won’t affect you much. 

That’s my 2 cents…

Enjoy your Friday.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.