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True story, back in 2013 I started seeing the magalog below in my mailbox nearly every week…

After seeing it 5 or 6 times (and ignoring it), my curiosity finally got the best of me.

My thinking was…

“If they’re mailing this thing every week, it must be working, so I should probably read it” 

So I dove in and read it cover to cover (multiple times).

I was immediately blown away by how persuasive the copy was.

The product they were selling was a greens powder called All Day Energy Greens.

And it’s main claim was that you could supercharge your life, restore glowing good health and feel decades younger in just 30 seconds a day.

Which was a great promise…

And keep in mind this was 2013…

In 2013, greens powders were NOT a thing yet.

You couldn’t just search Amazon and find a hundred different greens powders.

Hardly anybody was selling them. 

So seeing this magalog sparked a multi-million dollar idea for me.

My thinking went like this…

This greens powder is selling well in direct mail…

Yet nobody is doing this online.

I could easily create a similar offer and sell this online through affiliates and email traffic. 

So what did I do?

I did exactly that.

I swiped the appeal and the copy structure that this greens powder was using in direct mail and used the same thing to sell my greens powder (Patriot Power Greens) online.

For example…

One of the things the magalog did brilliantly was chunk the copy into 10 different “healing secrets”.

So each “healing secret” had 2-3 pages dedicated to it.

One of the healing secrets was about relieving aches and pains…

Another was about beating fatigue…

And there was also one about how to look decades younger…

Basically every problem that people in their 60s and 70’s had, they showed them how drinking the greens powder could help with it.

Which was brilliant.

So I did the exact same thing with my sales page.

All Day Energy Greens had already proven that this style of copy would work.

So I didn’t have to waste time trying to figure out the right angle for mine. 

I simply used a similar format and a similar appeal…

And guess what?

My offer was a huge winner.

I remember the first email drop we did for Patriot Power Greens, we spent something like $3000 on it and it brought back nearly $15,000 in sales.

Which was insane.

You don’t ever see numbers like that.

It was a homerun.

And over time I was able to take that offer and build it up from 10 sales a day to 100 sales a day, all the way to 1000 sales a day at it’s peak.

It crushed for years and years.

And that offer alone took our biz from $1 million a year in sales to $23 million a year in sales in just three years.

So it was life changing.

And really it all stemmed from that 38-page magalog that I kept getting in the mail.

That’s what sparked the idea…

And that’s what gave me the “blueprint” for how the copy should be written.

Point being…

Studying offers that work in direct mail is one of the most profitable things you can do with your time.


Because direct mail is expensive to send.

So if someone is sending you a direct mail piece over and over again, there’s a good chance that it’s making a lot of sales.  

Cause if it wasn’t making sales, they wouldn’t spend the money to keep sending it.

This is why studying direct mail is so smart.

And why I recommend you do it.

Now, a simple way to do this is to buy a bunch of products from the big mailers (supplements, newsletter subscriptions etc) and get on their mailing lists.

That way you’ll get sent all their sales letters.

That’s what I did.

The only problem with this method is that it takes a long, long time to build up a serious collection.

I’m talking 5-10 years here…

So it’s not exactly helpful to you today.

However, I mentioned yesterday that there’s a way you can speed-up this process.

A “shortcut” if you will…

So instead of collecting all the sales letters yourself and waiting 5 or 10 years…

You simply buy a swipe file from someone who’s already done all the work for you.

They subscribed to all the lists…

And they collected all the sales letters and magalogs for years and years…

And now they simply give you a copy of all the best sales letters they collected over the years. 

Sounds pretty good, right?

Well that’s exactly what the legendary marketer Todd Brown decided to do.

You see Todd just printed up 250 copies of his massive “Decade Plus Swipe File”.

Which has all the best direct mail pieces from the “who’s who” of direct response like Dan Kennedy, Agora Financial, Bottom Line, Health & Healing, Frank Kern, Newsmax, Caleb O’Dowd, Clickfunnels and many more.

This thing is legit.

It’s 5 full binders worth of sales pages (over 4000 pages in total).

And it gets shipped right to your house.

So it’s pretty epic.

And if you’re serious about getting good at copy…

Or if you have your own offer and you’re looking for new copy angles for ads, VSL’s and more…

Then I suggest you pick up a copy of Todd’s swipe file.

Yesterday was the first day the swipe file was on sale, and last I heard from Todd, nearly half of the 250 copies have already been snatched up.

So there’s not many left. 

I would anticipate they’ll fully sell out either today or tomorrow. 

So if you want one, you need to grab a copy  before they’re gone.

Here’s the link where you can get all the details and snag yourself a copy of Todd’s swipe file…

-> Only 125 copies left

Hope you’re able to get one…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.