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I’m still catching up on recovery after our event last week.

But I want to share a few of my big takeaways from the event with you…

Even people at the highest levels started at the bottom

Emily Lark told an amazing story about how she knew no one at her first T&C event. 

She had created her first offer, but hadn’t made any sales.

So she basically bought her way into the “cool kids” club by getting a ticket to Amber Spears mastermind party.

After months and months of nothing happening for Emily, she finally convinced 2 affiliates to mail for her offer.

And guess what? 

It worked.

They were super happy with the sales.

This prompted other affiliates to mail for her offer as well.  And Emily went from a nobody to an offer owner that people wanted to promote.

Emily is a great example of the idea that we all have to start at the bottom.

Alright let’s go to the next one…

Story leads are all the rage in 2020

On day 1 of the event, Stefan and I did a presentation breaking down why story leads are working so well right now.

If you look at most of the top offers out there (especially in health) they almost all start with a story.

One big key is to make sure your story starts right in the middle of the action.

Like this…

“John – Oh my god John, wake up”

There’s no build up.

No backstory.

It just starts right at the most interesting part.

If you’re not testing story leads these days, you’re leaving a bunch of money on the table cause they’re crushing.

The opening on your first upsell has to be right

On day 1 of the event, I gave a talk on my OLOF method for creating upsells that convert at 30-50%.

One part of the OLOF method is the “opening” of your first upsell.

Most people make the mistake of jumping right in and pitching the buyer on their next product…

Big mistake.

What you really need to do is relieve all the anxiety they’re feeling about the purchase they just made.

Cause here’s the truth…

Your buyer is still skeptical.

They don’t know if they made a good decision.

They still feel like they got scammed.

So you have to dedicate a lot of copy to making them feel like they made a good decision.

This not only helps you “stick” the first sale…

It also increases the chances they buy something else from you.

So again, the opening on your first upsell is vitally important.

Let’s do one more…

You need to be in-the-know with what’s working now

One of the things Stefan Georgi and I really empasize with our events is that the speakers have to talk about stuff that’s working NOW.

I could really care less about how well a direct mail package from 1992 did.

I want to know what you’re testing now…

What’s working on Facebook ads…

What’s working on Youtube…

And what’s even more important is that you have a group to share this stuff with.

The more knowledge the better.

That way everyone wins.

Stefan mentioned at the event that the “rising tide lifts all boats”.

Which is true. 

If I have something that’s working well and I help you to do the same, that’s better for everyone.

That’s why you need a group of super smart copywriters, marketers and offer owners that you’re in touch with regularly.

You can set this up on your own…

Or you can join something like Copy Accelerator LITE, which has that group in place already.

So there ya go…

Those are a few of my big takeaways from the event.

A couple of those were more tactical…

While others were bigger picture stuff.

Hope you found this valuable…

– Justin

P.S. – if you’re a Copy Accelerator or LITE member, you’ll have access to all the videos from the event in about a week or so.  

We’ll update ya on that when it’s ready…

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.