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If your sales page is not converting as well as you’d like, then you’re probably committing one of the 4 dreaded conversion killers on it.

Here’s what I mean…

After reviewing over 200 different sales pages in the last year…

From every niche imaginable…

I’ve realized that most people (even very smart copywriters) make the same mistakes over and over.

And these mistakes make their offer a mediocre one instead of a blockbuster.

And like I said this happens no matter what niche you are in. 

Your product might be VERY different from someone’s product in dating… or survival…or health…


The same 4 mistakes tend to hold a sales page back (no matter what niche you’re in).

Which is why my partner Stefan Georgi and I are hosting a free Zoom call tomorrow afternoon to share these 4 “conversion killers” with you.

We’ll be breaking down a real salespage on the call…

And showing you each one of the 4 “conversion killers” that are holding the page back.

So if you’re a copywriter…

Or if you have your own offers that you want to convert better…

Then this call will be HIGHLY valuable to you.

Like I said this free call will be on Zoom.

If you’ve been on our calls before, it’s a fun hangout kind of call (not a salesy webinar).

So if you want to join us tomorrow…

Simply register for the call at the link down below. 

The call starts at 2 PM ET/11 AM PT tomorrow (Jan 16th).

Here’s the link to secure your spot…

->  4 “Conversion Killers” Call on Zoom

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.