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Only a handful of copywriters ever make more than $400k in a year…

But Copy Accelerator member, Scott Mills, is one of those copywriters.

In 2021, Scott’s income took a big ole’ leap from $200k a year to over $400k!

Which is amazing.

Not many copywriters can say they’ve done this.

But it’s not really a mystery why Scott made such a big leap in income…

He’s been writing winning controls that have made his clients a lot of money (like the personal development offer he wrote that was in Clickbank’s top 10 for over a year).

So as a result of all his success, Scott had a lot of clients wanting to work with him…

Which allowed him to raise his rates multiple times…

And because of that, he wound-up having his best year ever (making $400k) as a copywriter.

Like I said earlier, hitting this kind of income level is rare in the copywriting world.

I know maybe 20 or 30 copywriters who are actively doing it. 

And most of them stay under-the-radar and don’t share any of their secrets. 

Which is why I really wanted to have Scott on my Youtube channel to talk about how he made such a huge leap with his income. 

I think you’ll find Scott’s story incredibly inspiring.

Cause before he was a copywriter, he made his living as a pastor (and also as a school teacher).

So he was used to making $35k a year…

Which meant him and his wife were always worried about money…

But now-a-days, Scott has a whole new life.

I mean, he makes in a single month what he used to make in an entire year!

That’s crazy.

And knowing that, I decided to grill Scott for my Youtube channel and get to the bottom of how he was able to make over $400k last year from copywriting.

We talked about when you should raise your rates as a copywriter…

How you can find higher-paying clients…

And even how to beat the self-doubt that keeps most copywriters stuck at their current income level.

This was an insanely good talk…

And I think Scott’s wisdom will help any intermediate copywriter get to the next level.

So I hope you give the interview a watch on my Youtube channel below…

-> $400k a year from copywriting? Here’s how…

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