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Yesterday’s email about why I don’t get up early really struck a chord with a lot of people.

And it made me realize that I do a lot of stuff that most millionaires would disagree with.

So I’m gonna share a few of those things with you.

Starting with…

1.  Checking social media first thing in the morning

I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is dumb to do.

It’s a waste of time.

It’s bad energy to start the day.

But the first thing I do in the morning while laying in bed is I check Instagram…

Or browse Twitter…

Not for long…

Maybe 5 minutes tops.

I wanna see what’s going on.

And slowly wake up. 

I know it’s probably not smart to do. 

But it is something I do.

And most millionaires advise against it.

2.  I check email more than I should

I get a ton of email.

Probably close to 300 emails every day.

Between people responding to my list, my Copy Accelerator group and just other stuff going on, my inbox is always slammin.

My goal is to one day be one of those guys who only checks email for a half hour a day.

And then ignores it the rest of the day.

But I’m not there yet.

And for now, I still check it multiple times a day.

3.  I don’t have a bookkeeper

This is one area of my business where I am woefully unorganized.

My assistant serves as my bookkeeper on most stuff.

And she does a good job.

But now that we have a real bookkeeper with Copy Accelerator, I see the benefit of it.

I’ve gotten by for many years not having a bookkeeper in my personal business…

But I’m getting to the point where I know I really need one. 

4.  I don’t have an office

Most millionaires I know have their own office.

Or they at least have a home office where they can close the door and get shit done.

I have neither.

I work from my kitchen table everyday.

And truthfully, I really enjoy it.

There’s lots of sun shining in.

And it just puts me in a good mood.

Much better than I would be in an office.

I’m sure if I had 3 kids running around, I wouldn’t be able to do this.

But for my situation the “no office” thing works.

And I know I’m in the minority on that.

5.  I don’t work in the middle of the day

My normal hours for working are usually 8-11 each morning.

And then around noon, I eat, hit the gym and go for a walk. 

This takes about 2 or 2.5 hours.

So I’m usually back on my computer by 2:30.

At that point I do any calls I have scheduled…

Or I give feedback to our Copy Accelerator members…

I know most people would not advise taking a big break like this in the middle of the day.

But for me it works.

Cause I’ve realized I’m not very focused in that noon-2 PM range.

I’m much better in the mornings.

And in the late afternoon.

So I fit my schedule to accomodate that. 

So there ya have it…

Those are 5 things I do that most millionaires would disagree with.

It just goes to show ya that you can do a lot of stuff “wrong” and still be successful.

If you have anything you do that most people would disagree with, I’d love to hear it.

Just reply to this email and tell me what it is…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.