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A lot of people on my list know about me as an entrepreneur…

Or as a copywriter…

But there’s obviously a lot of personal stuff that you don’t know about me.

So I’m gonna share some of that with you…

Starting with…

1.  I wear the same clothes everyday

Right now my go-to clothes are a couple t-shirts from Homage, and a pair of Lululemon shorts.

I wear these clothes while I’m working…

I wear them to the gym…

And then every couple of days the shirts get washed, and I repeat the cycle.

This always comes as a shock to people who only see me at events in a suit.

I think they just assume I’m always dressed up.

But that’s not the case.

Shorts and a t-shirt are my everyday wears.


2.  Some of my favorite music is angry 90’s rock

Prolly the main time I listen to music is when I work out.

And for that I like angry 90’s rock.

So stuff like Rage Against The Machine, The Offspring,  Alanis Morissette etc…

There’s something about this era of music that really connencts with me.

And it gets me energized to lift some heavy weights.


3.  I used to be obsessed with wrestling when I was a kid

I was in junior high when the WWF and WCW were at their peak (Stone Cold, Sting, NWO etc…)

Me and my buddies would spend hours on the trampoline suplexing each other…

And landing elbow drops to each other’s chest.

Basically as soon as we got home from school we did this for hours on end until it was dinner time.

I eventually stopped watching wrestling in high school.  

And haven’t watched it since…

But every once in a while I’ll listen to a wrestling podcast just to see what’s going on these days.


4.  I barely got into Ohio State with a 21 on my ACT

I remember the first time I took the ACT, I got a 21.

Which my mom was not happy about.

So she sent me to an ACT prep course that I had to go to every Saturday morning for like 8 weeks.

It was the most boring thing ever.

It lasted like 4 hours each Saturday.

But she was convinced it would help.

After 8 weeks of the course, I took the ACT again…

I got another 21.

Talk about a total waste of time.

Luckily for me, I had good grades, good extracurricular stuff, and I had a couple recommendations from teachers that allowed me to squeak into Ohio State.


5.  I cooked in a restaurant for nearly 8 years

My first summer job when I was 13 was at Perkins restaurant (this is like an Applebees if youre not familiar with it).

I was the line cook on the pancake/french toast grill…

So when our big breakfast rush came in, I was in charge of plopping down some oil and cooking up huge stacks of french toast and pancakes.

And while I never really loved the job…

(Mostly because it was like 115 degrees in that kitchen)

The one thing I’m really thankful for is that it taught me the basics of cooking.

By the time I was 16 I knew how to make damn near everything.

I could grill steaks…

Make omelettes…

Whip up delicious pastas…

And learning all the basics is what sparked my interest in cooking. 

Cause today I love to cook.

It’s a creative outlet for me.

Spending time trying to whip up some homemad french fries with garlic and duck fat is something I truly enjoy.

And I don’t know if that would have happened if I didn’t cook in a restaurant.

So there ya go…

Now you know a few things about me that you didn’t know before.

Maybe I’ll do a few more of these in the coming weeks to give you a little peek into my life.

But that’s all I got for now…

Enjoy your Saturday…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.