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Back in September of 2022, I was fresh off selling my stake in Copy Accelerator, and I was struggling to figure out what I wanted to do with my business. 

I wasn’t in a huge rush to make money…

But I did like the idea of having “some” money coming in every month.

So I started tinkering with promoting different offers to my list.

I promoted Stefan Georgi’s RMBC course for about a week and made a little over $25k from that.

I also promoted Troy Ericson’s email cheatsheet, and I made around $22k from that.

So I was making money…

And my bills were being paid…


I couldn’t help but think that if I sold my own offers to my list (instead of affiliate offers), that I would make a lot more money.

After all, most of the people on my list are on my list because they like learning from ME.

So I figured if I sold my own stuff, more people would buy it.

Makes sense, right?

Well there was only one problem with this…

As much as I wanted to sell my own stuff…

I had no interest in creating 10 hours worth of videos to make a course.

I also had no interest in writing a 30-page sales letter to sell that course.  

That sounded like a nightmare.

So instead of going down that road…

I decided to try something different.

Something that was a lot simpler.

Basically I had the idea “what if I host a live call where I teach people how to write emails like mine, and I’ll have people pay to be on the call”.

That was the idea.

And it was incredibly simple.

There was no need for me to create a 10-hour course with videos and PDF’s…

And no need for a lengthy sales letter…

I was just going to send people to a checkout page…

And whoever bought would be on the LIVE Zoom call with me. 

So that was the plan…

And I immediately got to work implementing it. 

I decided I was going to host the live call the following Wednesday at noon ET.

So in order to let my list know about the call, I sent out an email announcing the call.

I told them what I was going to teach…

And when the call would be…

And I also gave them a link to a checkout page to pay and save their spot for the call. 

Well as soon as that email went out, I was watching my Stripe account like a hawk.

I had no idea if this thing was going to tank…

Or if people were gonna love it…

But just a few minutes after I sent the first email, all my fears of the promo being a disaster melted away. 


Cause sales started pouring in…

Within the first five minutes, there was already eight sales…

And by the end of the first hour, close to 20 people had bought.

So it was off to a good start…

And being all excited, I kept checking Stripe throughout the day.

I was pulling up the app while I was at the gym…

And refreshing the page every 10 minutes…

By the time the day was over, my little hair-brained idea had brought in $9,062 in sales!

Which was completely unexpected.

Usually when I ran affiliate promos, the first day of sales would be around $3,000.

So to see 3x that many sales come in was surprising.

I was pumped.

And since it was working so well, I decided to keep emailing my list about it leading up to the call. 

By the end of the promo, I wound up making 278 sales for a grand total of $54,766 in revenue.

Which was crazy.

I had no idea this thing would do so well. 

But it did…

And when I actually held the training, people loved it.

I got testimonials for days from it…

So all-in-all it was a huge win.

People loved the training…

I made a bunch of money…

And I didn’t have to create some complex course with a 30-page sales letter.

It was all very simple.

Just a Zoom call…

And a checkout page…

That’s it. 

The cool thing is that any coach, expert, influencer or list owner (in any niche) could do the same thing that I’m doing.

You could do this with dating & relationship trainings (how to find Mr. Right, how to approach women, how to stop your divorce).

You could do it with investing trainings (crypto, forex, personal finance)…

You could do it with trainings on business (coaching, copywriting, getting clients etc)…

You could do it with trainings on hobbies people have (guitar, golf, photography etc…)

The possibilities are endless.

Which is why I’m gonna host a special call tomorrow (Wednesday) showing you exactly how to run one of these trainings that I call the “1-Day Cash Machine”.

On the call I’ll show you…

– how to come up with a “sexy” topic for your training that people will easily GIVE you money for (I’ll show you a bunch of examples of proven topics, and also give you a fill-in-the-blank template for creating your own “sexy” topic for your niche)

– how to price your training for your specific niche (this will vary based on your niche, so I’ll show you exactly how to price your training based on the niche you’re in to make the most sales possible)

– exactly what to say in the emails you send to your list (I’ll give you an entire swipe file of the emails I’ve used when doing a 1-Day Cash Machine and I’ll also show you the 4 most proven email angles to use to make maximum sales)

So that’s what you’ll learn on the call…

As I said, this is a brain-dead simple way for you to monetize your list if you’re a copywriter, coach, expert, consultant, influencer or list owner.

All you need is an email list…

And a topic to teach to your list…

And you’re on your way to making a lot of dough with the 1-Day Cash Machine.

So that’s what the call is all about.

As for the details…

It will take place tommorrow, May 24th at noon ET on Zoom.

If you can’t make it to the live training, or if you need to step away from the call for any reason, you will get all the recordings from the training so you can watch it whenever you’d like.

As for the price…

I’ve done other trainings and workshops in the past that have ranged from $1500 all the way up to $25,000.

However this training won’t be that expensive. 

I think the 1-Day Cash Machine will be a big help for anyone with a list that wants to a quick influx of cash… 

So instead of charging $1500 or more…

The price is just $197 (or two payments of $99)

So for $197, I’ll walk you through exactly how to run a profitable 1-Day Cash Machine to your list.

I’ll also give you swipe files with tons of examples of 1-Day Cash Machine offers and emails (in dozens of different niches) so you know exactly what to say and what to offer to your list…

So that’s the deal…

Again, the training will take place tomorrow, May 24th on Zoom at noon ET/9 AM PT.

It will be recorded.

So if you can’t make it, or if you can’t be there for the whole thing, you’ll get the recordings sent to you the day after the training. 

That’s the deal…

So if you want to be a part of this training…

I suggest grabbing a spot now, cause I will be closing the sign-up page tonight at 11:59 PM CT.

And after that you won’t be able to get in.

So if you want to learn how to run a highly profitable 1-Day Cash Machine, just head over to the checkout and get signed up.

You can secure your spot right here.

Hope to see ya on the training…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.