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I’m an unabashed fan of having an email list…


Let me list the ways…

1. It’s scalable – you’re writing just one email whether you have 50 people on your list or 50,000.  And as your list grows, you’ll make more money for the same amount of work.

2. It’s an asset you own – If you have a following on Youtube or Tiktok, you don’t own that following.  And if they kick you off the platform, you have to start all over.  With an email list, you actually own the list, and if Maropost ever kicked me off, I could simply take my list to another ESP and not miss a beat.

3.  People are conditioned to buy via email – This is something people don’t think about.  But everybody buys stuff from emails. This is why an email subscriber is worth way more than a subscriber on social media.  Email simply lends itself to selling much more than any other platform. 

4.  I like writing.  I’m an introvert by nature, so sitting on my computer and writing appeals to me. The idea of constantly being on camera on Youtube or Tiktok ain’t for me.  I don’t have that kind of personality.  Id rather just write, and share my wisdom through my writing.    

5. Email is fun. I’ve never enjoyed writing VSL’s or long form sales pages.  But I enjoy writing emails. Why? Cause I get to try new angles everyday. I get to tell stories and see how they resonate.  Everyday is a new adventure with email.  And I like that.  

6. I get to have a real impact on the people who read my emails.  I’ve had people on my list since 2018 who have read nearly every email I’ve sent.  Over that time I’ve been able to help them with their copy, their marketing, their mindset and even their outlook on life.  I like that I’m able to have that kind of impact. And email allows me to get in front of you everyday and do that. 

7.  I can make good money working just 2-3 hours a day.  For the last 18+ months, I’ve been bringing in $60k-$80k on most months with my email list.  That’s good money.  And I’m not working 12 hours a day to make it happen.  Which is a big driver for me these days.  I just want to enjoy what I’m doing each day, while still making good money.  If I was writing copy for clients, or running a complex business I’d be working all day.  But my list allows me to enjoy life a little more.  

I could go on and on…

But you get the point.

I’m a big fan of having an email list…

Cause it’s a real asset…

And in my opinion,  it’s the ultimate form of leverage for a copywriter.

Now maybe having a list appeals to you…

Maybe it doesn’t…

But if it does…

I have a big announcement you’ll want to see next Tuesday…

Cause next Tuesday I’m gonna share with you a NEW list building method that my buddy Mike Geary is using to generate over 6000 leads a day.

He’s generating these leads without creating an offer…

And without running Facebook or Youtube ads…

So if that appeals to you…

Keep your eyes peeled for an email from me on Tuesday morning…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.