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This past week at the Titans mastermind in Connecticut, Stefan Georgi and I presented on the “8 biggest mistakes that prevent an offer from working on cold traffic”.

Which people seemed to really like…

Traian Sava (who is a big player in the health/survival space) told me it was an eye-opener, and it made him realize a couple big mistakes he’s been making.

Even copywriting legends Parris Lampropolous and David Deutsch came up to me afterwards and remarked that they took pages of notes on it.

So it was a big hit.

I’m not going to share the whole presentation in this email…

However, I do want to share one of the ideas from the presentation.

And that was mistake #3…

Not testing enough leads.

Now, everyone knows that you need to test new leads in your copy.

That isn’t anything NEW.

But what is new is just how many leads you should be testing.

This is something I actually learned this year from working closely with VShred in our Copy Accelerator program (VShred is a $110 million dollar company in the health/fitness space).

Nick Daniel (who is one of the partners at VShred) says they “violently test new leads”.

And he’s not kidding.

For some of their main offers, they’re testing 3-4 new leads per month!

That’s 40+ new leads a year they test on those offers.

And after seeing how they took some of their offers from “duds” to doing 1500+ sales a day simply by testing a boatload of leads,  I had a real “ah ha” moment myself.

Cause I’ve always tested leads…

For my own offers…

And my clients…

However, I Nick made me realize I simply wasn’t testing ENOUGH leads.

I wasn’t testing enough to really find that “homerun” that would boost conversions by 80 or 90%.  

That was a real eye opener for me.

And I’m willing to bet you’re probably in the same boat.

Most people simply don’t test enough leads.

And it’s why their offer never really “gets over the hump”.

Hopefully that’s as eye-opening for you as it was for me.

I have no idea if our presentation from the event will ever be released.

Usually they’re not since it’s a private mastermind.

However if you want to hear a little more about our presentation, I’d highly suggest getting on Brian Kurtz’s email list.

Brian is the guy that runs the Titans mastermind.

And he mentioned to me that he’s going to do an indepth recap of our presentation in his newsletter this Sunday.

So if that interests you, I’d get on his email list here.

That’s all I got for today.

Enjoy your Tuesday,

– Justin

P.S. – here’s the link again to get on Brian’s newsletter…


If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.