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If you’re a new or intermediate level copywriter, and you want to start writing more winning ads, emails and sales pages, then this email is for you…


Because Stefan Georgi and I are officially launching our next 8-week copywriting mentorship today.

Here’s how it works…

During the 8 weeks of the mentorship, we’ll walk you through everything it takes to write winning copy.

So you’ll learn how to come up with big ideas…

How to create a unique mechanism…

And how to put it all together in a killer ad, email or sales page.

PLUS, you’ll also get 1-on-1 feedback on the copy you write as part of the 8-week mentorship.

So you’ll get real feedback, from a high-level copywriter showing you what you need to improve on, and how you can make your copy convert better. 

Which is critical.

Cause the best way to get good at copy is to have a copywriter that’s better than you showing you what you need to work on.

So between the teaching and the coaching, you’re getting the best of both worlds in the 8-week mentorship. 

Now, I got a lot of questions yesterday about who this mentorship is for…

And in my opinion it’s really best for new and intermediate copywriters.

So if you’ve never written copy before…

Or if you’re making less than $10k a month writing copy…

I think you’ll get a lot out of the mentorship.

And you will undoubtedly become a better copywriter (and make more moolah) because of it.

So thats who it’s for…

Now I do have to warn you…

The number of spots we have for this cohort in the 8-week mentorship is smaller than normal.


Because we want to make sure you get ample 1-on-1 feedback on your copy.

So we are limiting the number of students to make that happen.

And instead of just giving the spots to the first people that sign-up, we’ll be doing this by applications. 

Once you fill out your application for the mentorship, Stefan and I will review it, and we’ll select the best candidates.

Now I do want to make one thing clear…

This mentorship is specifically designed for newbies and intermediate copywriters…

So there’s no need to act like you’re a better copywriter than you are on your application.

That won’t help you.

We’re simply looking for people who are serious about getting better at copy…

And who want to turn into badass copywriters that regularly make $10k, $20k and even $50k a month with their copy.

So if that sounds like you…

I suggest you apply for a spot in the mentorship.

Now I’m sure you have some questions about the dates and cost of the mentorship, so let’s talk about that…

We will officially start the mentorship the week of May 9th.

There are 7 different time slots you can choose from (which you’ll see on the application page) so no matter what time zone you’re in, we will most likely have a day and a time that fits your schedule. 

And in terms of the price…

I’ll say that the fee for the program is a LOT lower than it should be.

I keep telling Stefan that this mentorship should be $2000. 

Or at the very least, it should be $1000…

But Stefan is insistent on keeping the mentorship at $497 for this cohort.

That price may go up in the future…

But for now, it will be $497.

Which is a steal in my opinion…

Especially when you see the kind of results people are getting from the mentorship…

Whitney Pressuto was in the January cohort and said “You can walk in a complete newbie – with 0 experience and walk out with A-lister reviewed samples, direction on how to grow you copy knowledge-base and clients, and a support system of peers cheering you on.  It’s perfect”

Or Terry Simpson who said “The mentorship gave me the confidence to go after more clients, which led me to being hired by Kimberly-Clark.  Thanks to Luke (my coach in the mentorship) for inspiring me to stretch my comfort zone just a bit”

Or Rob Fegan who said “I had already done the RMBC course, but having my 8-week coach (Ben) bring all the info into context + getting the feedback on my copy has been invaluable.  I can’t say enough good things about it”

So as you can see the 8-week copy mentorship is the real deal.

It’s unlike anything else out there.

So if you want to be a part of it…

I suggest you take some time and fill out the application today.

As I said, spots are limited for this cohort.

So I suggest putting some thought into your application.

You can get started on the application here.

I hope to see ya in the mentorship…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.