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One of the things that used to hold me back when I was younger was NOT having a 30,000 foot view for my business.

Here’s what I mean by that…

I currently have this posterboard sitting on my kitchen table (see pic below)

It’s basically my next 6 months mapped out.

So I have all of the products/courses slotted for when I want to promote them…   

That’s the big one.

And then I even mark down my travel plans as well, so I know what I have coming up. 

Now, is this system perfect?


It could be a lot more detailed.

But for me this is the big 30,000 foot view.

Which is why I keep it next to my laptop at all times so that I have a clear picture of where I’m headed. 

I can tell ya from experience that having some kind of outline or 30,000 foot plan like this is crucial.

Cause the worst thing you can do is just make decisions as you go.

And fly by the seat of your pants.

You’re better off having a basic idea of where you want to end up (even if it that plan changes).

If you’re already doing something like this, awesome…

But if not…

Then I suggest you do something similar.

Get a clear picture of what you want your next 6 months to look like.

And write it down.

It’s not rocket science…

But it has been a huge help for me. 

Hope this is helpful…

Enjoy your Monday.

– Justin

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