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Every year I write an email towards the end of the year showing you every dollar I made.

I do this for a few reasons…

1.  To be transparent about my business

2.  To inspire you to see what’s possible

So with that said…

Here’s how 2022 went for me…

Overall, it was a good year (despite the ups and downs) and I ended up pulling in $1.62 million in revenue.

I also had $316,815 in expenses. 

So I profited around $1.3 million.

Which I’m happy with.

And my revenue breaks down as follows…

Copy Accelerator: $1.43 million

Over the last three years, Copy Accelerator has been my biggest income source by a large margin.

In 2022 it made me $1.43 million.

And that includes what I earned as income while I was a partner, and also a portion of my buyout after I left the company in early July.

This will obviously change drastically next year since I’m no longer a part of CA…

But for 2022, it was my biggest income source.

Now let’s look at what came in second…

Courses/mentorships: $103k

I didn’t do a whole lot of courses and mentorships in 2022 (I’ll be doing more next year).

I taught an email training in October, and then Dan Ferrari and I did a copywriting retreat earlier this month in Mexico.

Overall, those two things brought me in $103,000 in revenue (although that is slightly misleading as there were significant expenses with the copywriting retreat).

I’d say overall after expenses, those two things made me around $75k. 

Which was great.

And I learned a lot from those two that will really help me in 2023. 

Now along with the courses and mentorships, my revenue from affiliate promos was just a hair behind those. 

Affiliate promos: ~$100k

I significantly increased my income from affiliate promos this past year compared to 2021.

I did multiple promos for Stefan Georgi’s RMBC course.  I did one for Ian Stanley.  I did one for Troy Ericson.  And one for Todd Brown as well. 

On average, affiliate promos made me between $20k-$30k each time I did a promo. 

Which I’m happy with.

And I’ll probably promote a few more things next year. 

Honestly the hardest part about affiliate stuff is finding courses that I truly believe in and want to promote.

I have a pretty strict vetting process for this.

And 90% of the courses out there don’t pass my vetting process. 

So finding courses that are created by people I trust, that are TRULY elite courses, and that have a good sales page to sell it, is not easy. 

But overall, affiliate income is great when you can find the right offers for your list. 

Now, there’s one more income source I had this year.

And this is one that took a big dip from 2021.

Referral Deals: $17,886

These are deals I get paid for referring people to things like merchant accounts or service providers.

I have a few deals setup with people that I regularly refer people to. 

I would refer people to them anyways, so instead of doing it for free, I simply setup a deal so that I get paid for it.

So it’s like “found money” for me.

I don’t really see myself putting more effort into referral deals next year, so it will probably stay about the same or taper off in 2023.

So there ya have it…

That’s a full breakdown of where I made my money in 2022.

Like I said it was a good year.

And I’m happy with the income I made. 

2023 will be very different though since I’m not a part of Copy Accelerator anymore (and also my goals around money and work have changed).

So next year I’ll be doing more courses and mentorships…

And also spending more time doing non-profit work with dog rescues.

So my income will be significantly less…

But I’m ok with that.

It’s all part of my plan to put more focus on the things that matter to me. 

Alright, I’m gonna wrap this up…

Hope you got some insights from this.

Enjoy your Monday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.